Here we have provided variety of meaningful and interesting rhymes on the alphabets for kids studying in the nursery, LKG, or UKG classes. Now-a-days, the teaching style and strategy to kids has been changed to a great extent in comparison to the earlier time. Teaching and learning among kids through the rhymes and poems are considering as best ways of study. Interesting and meaningful rhymes motivates small kids and attract their mind towards study. And the availability of online rhymes helps all the moms a lot to do something better for their kids towards study. Our motto of offering some unique and interesting rhymes for kids online is to especially help both working and house wives moms to help their kids in study.
Tips for Moms:
ABC rhymes or alphabet rhymes will help you moms to assist your kids in learning alphabets in interesting way. Such nice rhymes would enhance your kids interest towards study by expanding their vocabulary. Best way to learn alphabet rhymes is activity and clapping. You can do activity according to the rhymes lyrics and recite rhyme by making clapping. You can use alphabet blocks (easily found in the market), fruits, toys, etc to make alphabet rhymes learning interesting and entertaining.
A B C D, A B C D
Come on children start saying,
A B C D, A B C D,
A all, B ball, C call, D doll,
I make a call to you all,
To play with ball and nice doll.
A B, A B C
A B, A B C, A B C D, A B C D,
Come on kids you too say like me,
Come on stand up and bent on your knee,
And then look upon all the trees,
To have nice view of bees.
A B C D, A B C D
Come on friends say loudly,
A B C D, A B C D,
A axe, B box, C cocks, D dogs,
A arrow, B burrow, C cow, D draw,
Come on friends say loudly,
A B C D, A B C D.
A B C D, A B C D
A B C D, A B C D,
A B Apple Banana,
C D Chikoo Date,
A B C D, A B C D,
I eat healthy fruits,
And enjoy my nice flutes.
Mamma teach me A B C D
Mamma teach me A B C D,
A apple, B banana, C chikoo, D date,
We should eat all the fruits,
And avoid all the bruits,
To keep us healthy and wealthy.
A at, B bat, C cat
Mamma teach me rhyming words,
To make my vocabulary strong,
A at, B bat, C cat, D dat,
A an, B ban, C can, D dan,
I read all words very loudly,
As mamma teach me very proudly.
A B C D E F G H,
What I say you all say as such,
And be happy very much,
Make round and round by being in touch,
Spread your hands and shrink again,
If you want to really get big gain.
A B C D E F G H,
Do you know, how to egg hatch,
Hen make their eggs very attach,
To get their chicks egg’s detach.
A B C D, A B C D
A B C D, A B C D,
A for ax, A for at,
B for box, B for bat,
C for cox, C for cam,
D for dogs, D for dam,
E for eel, E for ear,
D for del, D for dear.
A B C,
Let me see,
A B C,
There is sea,
D E F,
There is ref,
D E F,
Here is chef.