Worksheet on L.C.M of Monomials | Least Common Multiple of Monomials Worksheet

Practice will improve your knowledge and gives you a grip on a subject. To become perfect in maths, you must have perfect practice. So, to overcome all troubles to learn math concepts like the least common multiple of two or more monomials, we are providing the Worksheet on L.C.M. of Monomials here.

To find the L.C.M of Monomials, you have to find the factors of monomials and get the L.C.M of numerical coefficients and literal coefficients. Multiply the common factors and extra common factors of numerical and literal coefficients to get the result. Find the Worksheets on Lowest Common Multiple of Monomials and practice them for effective learning.

1. Find the lowest common multiple (L.C.M.) of the two monomials:

(a) 12a³bc, 22ab³

(b) 11u²v, 121u³v

(c) 81p⁵qr²s³t, 12pq⁴s⁵

(d) 117mn, 65m³no

(e) x²y⁴z, x³y²z


(a) 12a³bc, 22ab³

The L.C.M. of numerical coefficients = The L.C.M. of 12 and 22.

Since, 12=2x2x3, 22=2×11

Therefore, the L.C.M. of 12 and 22 is 2x2x3x11 = 132

The L.C.M. of literal coefficients = The L.C.M. of a³bc, ab³ = a³b³c

Since, in a³bc, ab³,

The highest power of a is a³.

The highest power of b is b³.

The highest power of c is c.

Thus, the L.C.M. of 12a³bc, 22ab³

= The L.C.M. of numerical coefficients × The L.C.M. of literal coefficients

= 132 × (a³b³c) = 132a³b³c

(b) 11u²v, 121u³v

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = The lowest common multiple of 11, 121

Since, 11=1×11, 121=11×11

The lowest common multiple of 11, 121 = 11²x1 = 121

The L.C.M. of literal coefficients = The L.C.M. of u²v, u³v = u³v

Since, in u²v, u³v

The highest power of u is u³.

The highest power of v is v.

Thus, L.C.M of 11u²v, 121u³v = L.C.M. of numerical coefficients x L.C.M. of literal coefficients

= 121 x u³v = 121u³v.

(c) 81p⁵qr²s³t, 12pq⁴s⁵

The Least Common Multiple of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 81, 12

Since, 81=3x3x3x3, 12=3×4

Therefore, the L.C.M. of 81, 12 = 3⁴ x 4 = 3x3x3x3x4 = 324

The lowest common multiple of literal coefficients = L.C.M of p⁵qr²s³t, pq⁴s⁵ = p⁵q⁴r²s⁵t

Since, in p⁵qr²s³t, pq⁴s⁵

The highest power of p is p⁵.

The highest power of q is q⁴.

The highest power of r is r².

The highest power of s is s⁵.

The highest power of t is t.

Thus, L.C.M of 81p⁵qr²s³t, 12pq⁴s⁵ = L.C.M. of numerical coefficients × L.C.M. of literal coefficients

= 324 x p⁵q⁴r²s⁵t = 324p⁵q⁴r²s⁵t.

(d) 117mn, 65m³no

The least common multiple of numerical coefficients = l.c.m of 117, 65

Since, 117=13x3x3, 65=13×5

The l.C.M of 117, 65 = 13×3²x5 = 13 x 3 x 3x 5 = 585

The Lowest common multiple of literal coefficients = L.C.M of mn, m³no = m³no

Since, in mn, m³no

The highest power of m is m³.

The highest power of n is n.

The highest power of o is o.

Thus, the L.C.M of 117mn, 65m³no = L.C.M. of numerical coefficients × L.C.M. of literal coefficients

= 585 x m³no = 585m³no.

(e) x²y⁴z, x³y²z

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = Lowest common multiple of x²y⁴z, x³y²z = x³y⁴z

Since, in x²y⁴z, x³y²z

The highest power of x is x³.

The highest power of y is y⁴.

The highest power of z is z.

The least common multiple of numerical coefficients = 1.

Therefore, L.C.M of x²y⁴z, x³y²z = L.C.M. of numerical coefficients × L.C.M. of literal coefficients

= 1 x x³y⁴z = x³y⁴z.

2. Find the least common multiple of three monomials:

(a) 14xy²z, 10xy, 2xyz³

(b) 65a²b⁵c, 10ab, 5ab²

(c) 18pqr, 30pqr, 5pqr

(d) mn²o, m²n, op³

(e) 9u²v, 5uv³, 4u³v


(a) 14xy²z, 10xy, 2xyz³

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 14, 10, 2

Since, 14=2×7, 10=2×5, 2=2×1

Thus, Least common multiple of 14, 10, 2 = 2x7x5x1 = 60

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = L.C.M of xy²z, xy, xyz³ = xy²z³

Since, in xy²z, xy, xyz³

The highest power of x is x.

The highest power of y is y².

The highest power of z is z³.

Therefore, the Lowest common multiple of 14xy²z, 10xy, 2xyz³ = L.C.M. of numerical coefficients × L.C.M. of literal coefficients

= 60 x xy²z³ = 60xy²z³.

(b) 65a²b⁵c, 10ab, 5ab²

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 65, 10, 5

Since, 65=5×13, 10=2×5, 5=1×5.

Thus, lowest common multiple of 65, 10, 5 = 5x13x2 = 130

The least common multiple of literal coefficients =L.C.M of a²b⁵c, ab, ab² = a²b⁵c

The highest power of a is a².

The highest power of b is b⁵.

The highest power of c is c.

Therefore, L.C.M of 65a²b⁵c, 10ab, 5ab² = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 130 x a²b⁵c = 130a²b⁵c.

(c) 18pqr, 30pqr, 5pqr

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 18, 30, 5

Since, 18=2x3x3, 30=3x2x5, 5=1×5

L.C.M of 18, 30, 5 = 2x3x3x5 = 90

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = L.C.M of pqr, pqr, pqr = pqr.

Since in, pqr, pqr, pqr

The highest power of p is p.

The highest power of q is q.

The highest power of r is r.

Therefore, L.C.M of 18pqr, 30pqr, 5pqr = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 90 x pqr = 90pqr

(d) mn²o, m²n, op³

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = Lowest common multiple of mn²o, m²n, op³ = m²n²op³

Since in, mn²o, m²n, op³

The highest power of m is m².

The highest power of n is n².

The highest power of o is o.

The highest power of p is p³.

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = 1.

Therefore, L.C.M of mn²o, m²n, op³ = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 1 x m²n²op³ = m²n²op³.

(e) 9u²v, 5uv³, 4u³v

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = least common multiple of 9, 5, 4

Since, 9=3×3, 5=1×5, 4=2×2

Thus, L.C.M of 9, 5, 4 = 3²x5x2² = 180

The L.C.M of literal coefficients =L.C.M of u²v, uv³, u³v = u³v³

Since in, u²v, uv³, u³v,

The highest power of u is u³.

The highest power of v is v³.

Therefore, L.C.M of 9u²v, 5uv³, 4u³v = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 180 x u³v³ = 180u³v³.

3. Calculate the L.C.M of the following monomials:

(a) 32y⁴, 40xy², 20x²y²

(b) 27u², 18u

(c) 3x⁴y⁴z³, 5x²y³z⁴

(d) 2pq⁵r³s, 21p³qrs, 4pq²rs², 9p²s

(e) 36mn², 27m³no², 8mo


(a) 32y⁴, 40xy², 20x²y²

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 32, 40, 20

Since, 32=2x2x2x4, 40=2x4x5, 20=4×5

Thus, L.C.M of 32, 40, 20 = 2x8x2x5x2 = 320

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = least common multiple of y⁴, xy², x²y² = x²y⁴

Since in, y⁴, xy², x²y²

The highest power of y is y⁴.

The highest power of x is x².

Therefore, L.C.M of 32y⁴, 40xy², 20x²y²= L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 320 x x²y⁴ = 320x²y⁴.

(b) 27u², 18u

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 27, 18

Since, 27=3x3x3, 18=3x3x2

Thus, L.C.M of 27, 18 = 3x3x3x2 = 56

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = lowest common multiple of u², u = u²

Since in, u², u

The highest power of u is u²

Therefore, L.C.M of 27u², 18u= L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 56 x u² = 56u²

(c) 3x⁴y⁴z³, 5x²y³z⁴

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 3, 5

Since, 3=1×3, 5=1×5

Thus, L.C.M of 3,5 = 3×5 = 15

The least common multiple of literal coefficients = L.C.M of x⁴y⁴z³, x²y³z⁴ = x⁴y⁴z⁴

Since in, x⁴y⁴z³, x²y³z⁴

The highest power of x is x⁴

The highest power of y is y⁴

The highest power of z is z⁴

Therefore, L.C.M of 3x⁴y⁴z³, 5x²y³z⁴= L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 15 x x⁴y⁴z⁴ = 15x⁴y⁴z⁴.

(d) 2pq⁵r³s, 21p³qrs, 4pq²rs², 9p²s

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 2, 21, 4, 9

Since, 2=2×1, 21=3×7, 4=2×2, 9=3×3

Thus, L.C.M of 2, 21, 4, 9 = 2x3x7x2x3 = 252

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = least common multiple of pq⁵r³s, p³qrs, pq²rs², p²s = p³q⁵r³s²

Since in, pq⁵r³s, p³qrs, pq²rs², p²s

The highest power of p is p³

The highest power of q is q⁵

The highest power of r is r³

The highest power of s is s²

Therefore, L.C.M of 2pq⁵r³s, 21p³qrs, 4pq²rs², 9p²s= L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 252 x p³q⁵r³s² = 252p³q⁵r³s².

(e) 36mn², 27m³no², 8mo

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 36, 27, 8

Since, 27=3x3x3, 36=2x2x3x3, 8=2x2x2

Thus, L.C.M of 36, 27, 8 = 3x3x3x2x2x2 = 192

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = L.C.M of mn², m³no², mo = m³n²o²

Since in, mn², m³no², mo

The highest power of m is m³.

The highest power of n is n²

The highest power of o is o².

Therefore, L.C.M of 36mn², 27m³no², 8mo= L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 192 x m³n²o² = 192m³n²o²

4. Find the L.C.M of each:

(a) 3a²bc²de, 5a³bc⁴de, 7a²bcde², 13ab³d²

(b) 12p²q²r, 14qs³t², 16u²tv

(c) 5x³y⁴, 10xz, 15xy⁴z², 20x²y², 25x³


(a) 3a²bc²de, 5a³bc⁴de, 7a²bcde², 13ab³d²

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 3, 5, 7, 13

Since, 3=1×3, 5=1×5, 7=1×7, 1=1×13

Thus, Least common multiple of 3, 5, 7, 13 = 13x5x3x7 = 1365

The lowest common multiple of literal coefficients = L.C.M of a²bc²de, a³bc⁴de, a²bcde², ab³d² = a³b³c⁴d²e²

Since, in a²bc²de, a³bc⁴de, a²bcde², ab³d²

The highest power of a is a³

The highest power of b is b³

The highest power of c is c⁴

The highest power of d is d²

The highest power of e is e².

Therefore, least common multiple of 3a²bc²de, 5a³bc⁴de, 7a²bcde², 13ab³d² = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 1365 x a³b³c⁴d²e² = 1365a³b³c⁴d²e².

(b) 12p²q²r, 14qs³t², 16u²tv

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 12, 14, 16

Since, 12=2x3x2, 14=2×7, 16=2x2x2x2

Thus, least common multiple of 12, 14, 16 = 2x2x2x2x3x7x4 = 336

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = L.C.M of p²q²r, qs³t², u²tv = p²q²rs³t²v

Since, in p²q²r, qs³t², u²tv

The highest power of p is p²

The highest power of q is q²

The highest power of r is r

The highest power of s is s³

The highest power of t is t²

The highest power of v is v

Therefore, L.C.M of 12p²q²r, 14qs³t², 16u²tv = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 336 x p²q²rs³t²v = 336p²q²rs³t²v

(c) 5x³y⁴, 10xz, 15xy⁴z², 20x²y², 25x³

The L.C.M of numerical coefficients = L.C.M of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25

Since, 5=1×5, 10=2×5, 15=3×5, 20=4×5, 25=5×5

Thus, L.C.M of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 = 5x2x3x4x5 = 600

The L.C.M of literal coefficients = L.C.M of x³y⁴, xz, xy⁴z², x²y², x³ = x³y⁴z²

Since in x³y⁴, xz, xy⁴z², x²y², x³

The highest power of x is x³

The highest power of y is y⁴

The highest power of z is z²

Therefore, L.C.M of 5x³y⁴, 10xz, 15xy⁴z², 20x²y², 25x³ = L.C.M of numerical coefficients x L.C.M of literal coefficients

= 600 x x³y⁴z² = 600x³y⁴z².

Worksheet on H.C.F of Monomials | Highest Common Factor of Monomials Worksheet

Avail Worksheet on H.C.F. of Monomials and practice using it to score better grades. Students can learn a simple method to solve the greatest common factor of monomials problems. The best way to learn any concept is by practicing more problems. So, practice the highest common factor of monomials worksheet questions for free of cost. Refer to G.C.F of monomials worksheet and start your preparation.

Find the H.C.F of numerical coefficients and literal coefficients. And get the product of the highest common factor of numerical and literal coefficients to get the answer.

1. Find the Highest Common factor (H.C.F) of two monomials:

(a) 56a²bc, 24a²b²c²

(b) 45u²v, 60uv³

(c) 99x⁵y²z³, 66xy²z²

(d) 29d⁸, 18c

(e) 25a², 15ab

(f) 10s, 2s

(g) 36p³q⁵r, 6p²q³r⁵

(h) 84t²s, 28tu


(a) 56a²bc, 24ab²c²

The H.C.F. of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F. of 24 and 56.

Since, 24 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 3, 56 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 7

Therefore, the H.C.F. of 24 and 56 = 2³ = 8

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The H.C.F. of a²bc, ab²c² = abc

Since, in a²bc and ab²c², a, b and c are common.

The lowest power of a is a.

The lowest power of b is b.

The lowest power of c is c.

Therefore, the H.C.F. of a²bc, ab²c² is abc.

Thus, the H.C.F. of 56a²bc, 24ab²c²

= The H.C.F. of numerical coefficients × The H.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 8 × (abc)

= 8abc.

(b) 45u²v, 60uv³

The G.C.F of numerical coefficients = The G.C.F of 45, 60.

Since, 45 = 5 * 3 * 3, 60 = 3 * 2 * 5 * 2

Therefore, H.C.F of 45, 60 is 5 * 3 = 15

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The H.C.F. of u²v and uv³ = u²v

Since, in u²v, uv³ u, v are common

The lowest power of u is u²

The lowest power of v is v.

Thus, the G.C.F of 45u²v, 60uv³ = The H.C.F. of numerical coefficients × The H.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 15 x u²v

= 15u²v

(c) 99x⁵y²z³, 66xy²z²

The H.C.F of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F. of 99 and 66.

Since, 99 = 3 * 3 * 11, 66 = 3 * 2 * 11

The G.C.F. of 99 and 66 = 3 * 11 = 33

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The H.C.F. of x⁵y²z³, xy²z² = xy²z²

The common variables are x, y, z

The lowest power of x is x.

The lowest power of y is y².

The lowest power of z is z³.

Thus, the G.C.F of 99x⁵y²z³, 66xy²z² = 33 * xy²z² = 33xy²z²

(d) 29d⁸, 18c

The H.C.F of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F. of 29, 18

Since, 29 = 3 * 3 * 3, 18 = 2 * 3 * 3

The H.C.F. of 29, 18 = 9

The H.C.F. of d⁸, c = 1.

There are no common variables.

Thus, the G.C.F of 29d⁸, 18c = The H.C.F. of numerical coefficients × The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = 9 x 1

Therefore, G.C.F of 29d⁸, 18c = 9.

(e) 25a², 15ab

The highest common factor of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F. of 25, 15

Since, 25 = 5 * 5, 15 = 3 * 5

The H.C.F. of 25, 15 = 5

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The G.C.F of a², b = a.

The only common variable is a.

The lowest power of a is a.

Thus, the highest common factor of 25a², 15ab = The H.C.F. of numerical coefficients × The H.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 5 * a = 5a.

(f) 10s, 2s

The greatest common factor of numerical coefficients = The G.C.F of 10, 2

Since, 10 = 2 * 5, 2 = 2 * 1

The G.C.F of 10, 2 = 2

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The highest common factor of s, s is s.

The common variable is s.

The lowest power of s is s.

Thus, the G.C.F of 10s, 2s = The H.C.F. of numerical coefficients × The H.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 2 * s = 2s.

(g) 36p³q⁵r, 6p²q³r⁵

The highest common factor of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F of 36, 6

Since, 36 = 6 * 6, 6 = 1 * 6

The H.C.F of 36, 6 = 6

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The greatest common factor of p³q⁵r, p²q³r⁵ = p²q³r

The common variables are p, q, r

The lowest power of p is p².

The lowest power of q is q³.

The lowest power of r is r.

Thus, the H.C.F of 36p³q⁵r, 6p²q³r⁵ = The G.C.F. of numerical coefficients × The G.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 6 * p²q³r = 6p²q³r

(h) 84t²s, 28tu

The G.C.F. of numerical coefficients = The greatest common factor of 84, 28

Since, 84 = 2 * 2 * 3 * 7, 28 = 2 * 2 * 7

The H.C.F of 84, 28 = 14

The H.C.F. of literal coefficients = The highest common factor of t²s, tu = t

The common variable is t.

The lowest power of t is t.

Thus, the G.C.F of 84t²s, 28tu = The H.C.F of numerical coefficients x The G.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 14 * t = 14t

2. Find the greatest common factor (G.C.F.) of the three monomials:

(a) 35p²q³r, 42pq²r³ and 14p³qr²

(b) 49xy⁴z², 21xy², 7x²z⁴

(c) mno², mn, m²n

(d) 5abc, 25a²b²c², 50ac³

(e) m³n³a³, man, a²m²n²

(f) 6xy, 14x²y, 42xy²

(g) x²y³, x⁵, yz

(h) 8abc, 20abc, 28abc


(a) 35p²q³r, 42pq²r³ and 14p³qr²

The H.C.F of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F of 35, 42, 14

Since, 35 = 7 * 5, 42 = 2 * 3 * 7, 14 = 2 * 7

Therefore, the H.C.F. of 35, 42, 14 is 7

The highest common factor of literal coefficients = The G.C.F of p²q³r, pq²r³ and p³qr² = pqr

The common variables are p, q, r

The lowest power of p is p, the lowest power of q is q, the lowest power of r is r.

Thus, the H.C.F of 35p²q³r, 42pq²r³ and 14p³qr² = H.C.F of numerical coefficient x H.C.F of literal coefficients

= 7 x pqr = 7pqr.

(b) 49xy⁴z², 21xy², 7x²z⁴

The H.C.F of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F of 49, 21, 7

Since, 49 = 7 * 7, 21=7*3, 7=1*7

Therefore, the G.C.F of 49, 21, 7 is 7.

The greatest common factor of literal coefficients = The H.C.F of xy⁴z², xy², x²z⁴ = x

Thus, G.C.F of 49xy⁴z², 21xy², 7x²z⁴ = The H.C.F of numerical coefficients * literal coefficients

= 7 * x =7x.

(c) mno², mn, m²n

The H.C.F of literal coefficients = The greatest common factor of mno², mn, m²n = mn

The common variables are m, n.

The lowest power of m is m, n is n.

Thus, H.C.F of mno², mn, m²n = The H.C.F of numerical coefficients x The G.C.F. of literal coefficients

= 1xmn = mn.

(d) 5abc, 25a²b²c², 50ac³

The G.C.F of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F of 5, 25, 50

since , 5=1*5, 25=5*5, 50=5*5*2

Therefore, the H.C.F. of 5, 25, 50 = 5

The G.C.F of literal coefficients = The H.C.F of abc, a²b²c², ac³ = ac

The common variables are a, c.

Thus, the G.C.F of 5abc, 25a²b²c², 50ac³ = H.C.F of numerical coefficients x H.C.F of literal coefficients

= 5 x ac = 5ac.

(e) m³n³a³, man, a²m²n²

The greatest common factor of literal coefficients = The H.C.F of m³n³a³, man, a²m²n² = amn

The common variables are a, m, n.

The H.C.F of m³n³a³, man, a²m²n² = H.C.F of numerical coefficients x H.C.F of literal coefficients

= 1 x amn = amn.

(f) 6xy, 14x²y, 42xy²

The highest common factor of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F of 6, 14, 42

Since, 6=2*3, 14=7*2, 42=2*7*3

Thus, H.C.F of 6, 14, 42 = 2

The H.C.F of literal coefficients = G.C.F of xy, x²y, xy² = xy

Therefore, G.C.F of 6xy, 14x²y, 42xy² = H.C.F of numerical coefficients x H.C.F of literal coefficients

= 2 x xy = 2xy.

(g) x²y³, x⁵, yz

The G.C.F of literal coefficients = H.C.F of x²y³, x⁵, yz = 1.

There are no common variables.

Thus, H.C.f of x²y³, x⁵, yz = H.C.F of numerical coefficients x H.C.F of literal coefficients= 1* 1 = 1.

(h) 8abc, 20abc, 28abc

The G.C.F of numerical coefficients = The H.C.F of 8, 20, and 28 = 2

Since, 8=2*2*2, 20=10*2, 28=2*7*2

H.C.F of literal coefficients = G.C.F of abc, abc, abc = abc

Thus G.C.F of 8abc, 20abc, 28abc = H.C.F of numerical coefficients x H.C.F of literal coefficients = 2*abc = 2abc.

Worksheet on Pie Chart | Pie Chart Worksheets with Answers | Circle Graph Questions

In this Worksheet on Pie Chart, you can see sample questions and answers on the pie chart, how to solve them. The term pie means a circle and chart means the representation of data. Here, we will represent tabular data in a circle. Pie Chart contains sectors, the percentage of sector shows the value of the component.

We have also included the formula to find the central angle of each component of a pie chart on this page. Get the simple steps to convert the data into a pie chart from the following sections. To see the central angle of each component, divide the component value by the total number of components. Multiply the result with 360 degrees.

1. Rakesh yearly salary is $ 52007. He plans his budget for a year as mentioned here:

Item Food Education Rent Savings Miscellaneous
Amount (in dollars) 12089 4468 9150 13300 13,000

Draw a pie chart for the Rakesh yearly budget.


Given data is the Rakesh yearly budget.

Yearly Salary = $ 52007

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of central angles:

Item Amount (in dollars) Central Angle
Food 12089 (12089 / 52007) * 360 = 83.68°
Education 4468 (4468 / 52007) * 360 = 30.92°
Rent 9150 (9150 / 52007) * 360 = 63.33°
Savings 13300 (13300 / 52007) * 360 = 92°
Miscellaneous 13000 (13000 / 52007) * 360 = 89.98°

Steps of constructing a pie chart:

1. Draw a circle of any convenient radius.

2. Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.

3. Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 83.68°, 30.92°, 63.33°, 92°, and 89.98° respectively.

4. Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

2. In a company there are 19200 workers of different religions. The data of the different religion are given below:

Religion Hindu Nepali Islam Christian Buddhism
No of Workers 9500 700 4000 4500 500

Draw a pie chart for the above data.


Total Number of workers in the company = 19200

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of central angles:

Religion No of Workers Central Angle
Hindu 9500 (9500 / 19200) * 360 = 178.12°
Nepali 700 (700 / 19200) * 360 = 13.125°
Islam 4000 (4000 / 19200) * 360 = 75°
Christian 4500 (4500 / 19200) * 360 = 84.375°
Buddhism 500 (500 / 19200) * 360 = 9.375°

Steps for constructing a pie chart

  • Draw a circle of any radius.
  • Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.
  • draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with the central angles of 9.37°, 84.37°, 75°, 13.12°, and 178.12°.
  • Shade the sectors using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

3. Manohar lists his monthly expenditure as follows:

Expenditure Food Rent Personal Insurance Health Care Entertainment Education Clothing Others
Amount (in rupees) 500 1500 850 640 360 300 350 1700

Draw a pie chart for the Manohar monthly expenditure.


Given table says the monthly expenditure of a person.

Total expenditure in a month = 500 + 1500 + 850 + 640 + 360 + 300 + 350 + 1700 = 6200

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of central angles:

Expenditure Amount Central Angle
Food 500 (500 / 6200) * 360 = 29°
Rent 1500 (1500 / 6200) * 360 = 87°
Personal Insurance 850 (850 / 6200) * 360 = 49.35°
Health care 640 (640 / 6200) * 360 = 37.16°
Entertainment 360 (360 / 6200) * 360 = 20.9°
Education 300 (300 / 6200) * 360 = 17.41°
Clothing 350 (350 / 6200) * 360 = 20.32°
Others 1700 (1700 / 6200) * 360 = 98.7°

Steps for constructing a pie chart:

1. Draw a circle of any convenient radius.

2. Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.

3. Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 29°, 87°, 49.35°, 37.16°, 20.9°, 17.41°, 20.32°, and 98.7° respectively.

4. Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

4. There are 2000 workers in a factory as per the list provided below:

Cadre Laborer Mechanic Fitter Plumber Electrician Supervisor Clerk
Number of Workers 368 560 300 280 500 152 120

Represent the above data by a pie chart.


The total number of workers in a factory = 2000

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of the central angle of each cadre is as follows:

Cadre No of Employees Central Angle
Laborer 368 (368 / 2000) * 360 = 66.24°
Mechanic 560 (560 / 2000) * 360 = 100.8°
Fitter 300 (300 / 2000) * 360 = 54°
Plumber 280 (280 / 2000) * 360 = 50.4°
Electrician 500 (500 / 2000) * 360 = 90°
Supervisor 152 (152 / 2000) * 360 = 27.36°
Clerk 120 (120 / 2000) * 360 = 21.6°

Construction for creating a pie chart

1. Draw a circle of any convenient radius.

2. Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.

3. Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 66.24°, 100.8°, 54°, 50.4°, 90°, 27.36°, and 21.6° respectively.

4. Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

5. The following table gives the number of different fruits kept in a hamper.

Type of Fruit Apple Mango Papaya Orange Pomegranate Supervisor Clerk
Number 368 560 300 280 500 152 120

Draw a pie chart to represent the above data.


The total number of fruits in the hamper = 80

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of central angles:

Type of Fruit Numbers Central Angle
Apple 12 (12 / 80) * 360 = 54°
Mango 20 (20 / 80) * 360 = 90°
Papaya 5 (5 / 80) * 360 = 22.5°
Orange 15 (15 / 80) * 360 = 67.5°
Pomegranate 18 (18 / 80) * 360 = 81°
Kiwi Fruit 10 (10 / 80) * 360 = 45°

Construction for creating a pie chart

  • Draw a circle of any convenient radius
  • Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 54°, 90°, 22.5°, 67.5°, 81°, and 45° respectively.
  • Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

6. The data given below shows the number of hours spent by working women on different activities on a working day.

Activity Office Cooking Sleep Journey Others
Hours 8 2 7 2 5

Represent the above data by a pie chart.


Given data is about the hours spent by working women.

Total number of hours = 24

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of central angles:

Activity Hours Central Angle
Office 8 (8 / 24) * 360 = 120°
Cooking 2 (2 / 24) * 360 = 30°
Sleep 7 (7 / 24) * 360 = 105°
Journey 2 (2 / 24) * 360 = 30°
Others 5 (5 / 24) * 360 = 75°

Construction for creating a pie chart

Steps of construction:

1. Draw a circle of any convenient radius.

2. Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.

3. Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 12°, 30°, 105°, 75°, and 30° respectively.

4. Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

7. 500 students of a school were surveyed for their favorite activity. The information is represented in a pie chart as given below. Observe the chart and answer the questions given below.

(i) What is the pie chart tells about?

(ii) Which is the most favorite pastime activity of students?

(iiI) How many students like reading books?

(iv) What percentage of students like music?

(v) What percentage of students like to dance?

(vi) What percentage of students like playing outdoor games?


From the pie chart, we can observe that,

(i) Pie chart contains the 500 school students’ favorite activity.

(ii) Spending time with the smartphone is the favorite past activity for most of the school students.

(iii) Out of 500 students, 50 students like reading books.

(iv) 100 students like music. The percentage of students who like music is (100 / 500) * 100 = 20%

(v) 70 students like dance. The percentage of students who like dance is (70 / 500) * 100 = 14%

(vi) 130 students like playing outdoor games. The percentage of students who like playing outdoor games is (130 / 500) * 100 = 26%

8. Given the pie chart shows the sales of different brands of smartphones on an e-commerce site during a festive season.

From the pie chart, solve the following questions.

(i) What are the different brands mentioned in the chart?

(ii) How many smartphones are sold during the festive season?

(iii) How many Nokia smartphones are sold?

(iv) Which brand of the smartphone has the highest sales and lowest sales?

(v) What is the difference between the sales of apple and Motorola?

(vi) What is the ratio of sales between Sony and Samsung?


The pie chart is given about the sales of different brands of smartphones in an e-commerce site during a festive season.

(i) The different brands mentioned in the chart are Motorola, Coolpad, Apple, HTC, Sony, Nokia, Lenovo, and Samsung.

(ii) A total of 10,000 smartphones are sold during the festive season in an e-commerce season.

(iii) A total of 550 Nokia brand smartphones are sold.

(iv) Lenovo has the highest sales and Coolpad has the lowest sales.

(v) The number of Apple smartphones sold is 600, Motorola smartphones are 664. So, the difference between the sales of Motorola and apple is 664 – 600 = 64.

(vi) The sales of Sony is 1500, Samsung is 2500. The ratio between the sales of sony and Samsung is 1500 : 2500 = 3 : 5.

9. The pie chart below shows the percentages of types of transportation used by 500 students to come to school.

(i) How many students come to school by bicycle?

(ii) How many students do not walk to school?

(iii) How many students come to school by bus?

(iv) How many students come to school by car?

(v) What is the central angle for students to come to school by walk?

(vi) What is the ratio between students come to school by car, by bus?


(i) 125 students come to school by bicycle.

(ii) (115 + 100 + 125) = 340 students do not walk to school.

(iii) 115 students come to school by bus.

(iv) 100 students come to school by car.

(v) 160 students come to school by walk. The central angle for students come to school by walk = (160 / 500) * 360 = 0.32 * 360 = 115.2°

(vi) 100 students come to school by car, 115 students come to school by bus. The ratio is 100 : 115 = 20 : 23

10. The following are the ingredients and quantity of ingredients required to make a butter cake.

Ingredients Flour Sugar Egg Butter
Quantity 30 20 35 10

Draw a pie chart.


Total quantity = 95

Calculation of central angles:

Ingredients Quantity Central Angle
Flour 30 (30 / 95) * 360 = 113.6°
Sugar 20 (20 / 95) * 360 = 75.7°
Egg 35 (35 / 95) * 360 = 132.6°
Butter 10 (10 / 95) * 360 = 37.8°

Construction for creating a pie chart

Steps of construction:

1. Draw a circle of any convenient radius.

2. Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.

3. Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 113.6°, 75.7°, 132.6°, and 37.8° respectively.

4. Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

11. In the pie chart representing the percentages of students having an interest in playing various kinds of games, the central angle of the sector representing students playing cricket is 152°, what is the percentage of students interested in playing cricket?


Given the central angle of the sector = 152°

(152 / 360) * 100 = 42 %

The percentage of students interested in playing cricket is 42 %.

12. In a pie chart representing the number of students opting for different modes of transportation to reach the school. The total number of students is 1000, and the central angle of the sector representing transportation by walk is 52°, what is the number of students who opted for the mode of transportation is by walk?


Given that,

The central angle of the sector for walk= 52°

The total number of students = 1000

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

52° = (Value of the component / 1000) * 360°

52 / 360 = Value of the component / 1000

0.1444 = Value of the component / 1000

Value of the component = 0.144.4 * 1000

Value of the component = 144.4

The number of students who opted walking to reach the school = 144

13. If 40% of the people’s favorite food is biryani then the central angle of the sector representing the people’s favorite food in a pie chart would be.


Given that,

The percentage of the number of people favorite food is biryani = 40%

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

= (40 / 100) * 360

= 144°

The central angle of the sector whose favorite food is biryani is 144°.

14. A person’s monthly income is $ 5200 and his monthly expenditure on food is $ 500. What is the central angle of the sector representing food expenses in the pie chart?


Given that,

Person monthly income = $ 5200

Expenditure on food = $ 500

The central angle of food = (Expenditure of food/person monthly income) * 360°

= (500 / 5200) * 360°

= 0.096 * 360°

= 34.61°

The central angle of the sector representing food expenses in the pie chart = 34.61°.

15. The following table shows the percentage of buyers of six different brands of bathing soaps.

Brand A B C D E F
Percentage of Buyers 10 15 5 40 15 15

Represent data on a pie chart.


The given table represents the percentage of buyers of six different brands of bathing soaps.

Central angle for a component = (Value of the component / Sum of the values of all components) * 360°

Calculation of central angles:

Brand Percentage of Buyers Central Angle
A 10 (10 / 100) * 360 = 36°
B 15 (15 / 100) * 360 = 54°
C 5 (5 / 100) * 360 = 18°
D 40 (40 / 100) * 360 = 144°
E 15 (15 / 100) * 360 = 54°
F 15 (15 / 100) * 360 = 54°

Construction for creating a pie chart

Steps of construction:

1. Draw a circle of any convenient radius.

2. Draw a horizontal radius of the circle.

3. Draw sectors starting from the horizontal radius with central angles of 36°, 54°, 18°, 144°, 54°, and 54° respectively.

4. Shade the sectors differently using different colors and label them.

Thus, we obtain the required pie chart, shown in the above figure.

Worksheet on Bar Graphs or Column Graphs | Bar Graph Examples with Question and Answers

Worksheet on Bar Graphs or Column Graphs has the questions on representing the data as a bar graph. To represent the data as rectangular bars, we need to take data along the x-axis, y-axis. And select a suitable scale, draw the rectangular bars. The pictorial representation of grouped data as horizontal or vertical bars is called the bar graph. In the below sections of this page, we are giving the questions and answers related to the bar graphs or column graphs. Solve them and learn different types of questions in Bar Graph.

1. The marks obtained by Aravind in his annual examination are shown below:

Subject French English Maths Science Social Sciences
Marks 70 80 50 75 60

Draw a bar graph chart to represent the above data.


Given that,

The marks obtained by Aravind in the annual examination.

On graph paper, draw horizontal and vertical lines.

Take subjects along the x-axis at equal gaps, marks along the y-axis.

Choose 1 small division = 10 units

Then the heights of the bars are:

1 small division = 10 dollars

Then, the heights of the bars are:

French marks = (1/10 * 70) = 7 small divisions

Marks in English = (1/10 * 80) = 8 small divisions

Marks in Maths = (1/10 * 50) = 5 small divisions

Marks in Science = (1/10 * 75) = 7.5 small divisions

Marks in Social Sciences = (1/10 * 60) = 6 small divisions

Bar graph showing Aravind marks in Annual Examination

At the points marked in Step 2, draw bars of equal width and of heights calculated.

2. The population in lakhs of seven Indian states as estimated in 2010 is given below:

State Andhra Pradesh Assam Bihar Telangana Tamil Nadu Rajasthan
Population (in Lakhs) 520 400 250 800 750 690

Represent the above data by a bar graph.


Given that,

The population of seven Indian states estimated in 2010.

Draw horizontal, vertical lines on a graph paper.

Take states along the x-axis at equal gaps, the population in lakhs along the y-axis.

Choose 1 small division = 100 lakhs

Then, the heights of the bars are:

Population in Andhra Pradesh = (1/100 * 520) = 5.2 small divisions

Population in Assam = (1/100 * 400) = 4 small divisions

Population in Bihar = (1/100 * 250) = 2.5 small divisions

Population in Telangana = (1/100 * 800) = 8 small divisions

Population in Tamil Nadu = (1/100 * 750) = 7.5 small divisions

Population in Rajasthan = (1/100 * 690) = 6.8 small divisions

Bar graph showing the population in seven Indian states.

3. A school conducted a survey to know the favorite sports of the students. The table below shows the results of this survey.

Name of the Sport Cricket Football Basketball Volleyball Chess Table Tennis Badminton
Total Number of Students 45 53 70 44 66 22 33

From this data,

(a) Draw a graph representing the sports and the total number of students.

(b) Which sport is the most preferred one?

(c) List the sports in ascending order.

(d) Which two sports are almost equally preferred?

(e) Calculate the range of the graph.


The favorite sports of students according to the survey are given.

(a) On a graph paper, draw a horizontal line OX and a vertical line OY, representing the x-axis and the y-axis respectively.

Take Sport name along the x-axis, the total number of students along the y-axis.

On a scale, choose 1 small division = 5 units

Number of students whose favorite game cricket = (1/5 * 45) = 9 small divisions

Number of students whose favorite game football = (1/5 * 53) = 10.6 small divisions

Number of students whose favorite game basketball = (1/5 * 70) = 14 small divisions

Number of students whose favorite game volleyball = (1/5 * 44) = 8.8 small divisions

Number of students whose favorite game chess = (1/5 * 66) = 13.2 small divisions

Number of students whose favorite game tabletennis = (1/5 * 22) = 4.4 small divisions

Number of students whose favorite game badminton = (1/5 * 33) = 6.6 small divisions

Bar graph showing students favorite game

From the graph,

(b) The most preferred sport is basketball.

(c) Basketball, Chess, Football, Cricket, Volleyball, Badminton, Table tennis.

(d) Cricket, Volleyball are two sports that are almost equally preferred.

(e) The range of the graph is 70 – 22 = 48

4. The number of cars produced in a factory during five consecutive weeks is given below:

Week First Second Third Fourth Fifth
Number of Cars Produced 500 800 1060 1400 1700

Draw a bar graph or column graph representing the above information.


Given that,

The number of cars produced in a factory for five consecutive weeks.

Draw two perpendicular lines, x-axis, y-axis on a graph paper.

Take weeks along the x-axis at equal gaps.

Take the number of cars produced per week along the y-axis.

Scale on the y-axis is 1 small division = 200 cars.

According to the scale, draw rectangular bars for each week.

Fill color in it to show the variation.

Column graph or bar graph representing the number of cars produced by a compy for five consecutive weeks.

5. A survey of 145 people asked them “Which is the nicest fruit?”

Fruit Apple Orange Banana Kiwifruit Blueberry Grapes
People 35 30 10 25 40 5

Draw a bar graph for the data.


Draw two perpendicular lines on a graph paper.

Take fruit on the x-axis, people number on the y -axis.

Choose 1 small division = 5 units

Then, the heights of the bars are:

Number of people who like apple = (1/5 * 35) = 7 small divisions

Number of people who like orange = (1/5 * 30) = 6 small divisions

Number of people who like banana = (1/5 * 10) = 2 small divisions

Number of people who like kiwifruit = (1/5 * 25) = 5 small divisions

Number of people who like blueberry = (1/5 * 40) = 8 small divisions

Number of people who like grapes = (1/5 * 5) = 1 small divisions

The nicest fruit according to the survey is blueberry.

6. In a survey of 85 families of a colony, the number of members in each family was recorded, and the data has been represented by the following bar graph.

Read the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions:

(i) What information does the bar graph give?

(ii) How many families have 3 members?

(iii) How many people live alone?

(iv) Which type of family is the most common? How many members are there in each family of this kind?


From the given graph we can observe that,

(i) The graph tells about the number of families containing 2, 3, 4, 5 members each.

(ii) 40 families have 3 members.

(iii) No one lives alone.

(iv) Family having 3 members is the most common type.

7. The following graph shows the life expectancy (average age to which people live) in various countries in a particular year.

Read the bar graph carefully and answer the following questions:

(i) What information does the bar graph give?

(ii) Which country has the highest, lowest life expectancy?

(iii) What is the life expectancy in India?

(iv) What is the range of the graph?


The given graph represents the life expectancy of various countries.

From the given graph we can observe that,

(i) Graph tells about the life expectancy of five different countries in a particular year.

(ii) Japan has the highest life expectancy which is 70 years. Cambodia has the lowest life expectancy which is 40 years.

(iii) India life expectancy is 63 years.

(iv) Range is 70 – 40 = 30.

8. The following table shows the market position of different types of lotions

Brands A B C D E others
Percentage of Buyer 50 20 40 30 60 10

Represent the given data in a bar graph or column graph.


Given that,

The market position of different types of lotions.

On a graph paper, draw a horizontal line OX and a vertical line OY, representing the x-axis and the y-axis respectively.

Take brands along the x-axis at equal gaps, percentage of buyers along the y-axis.

Scale, choose 1 small division = 5 units

Then, the heights of the bars are:

Brand A position in market = (1/5 * 50) = 10

Brand B position in market = (1/5 * 20) = 4

Brand C position in market = (1/5 * 40) = 8

Brand D position in market = (1/5 * 30) = 6

Brand E position in market = (1/5 * 60) = 12

Other brand position in market = (1/5 * 10) = 2

Bar graph showing the brands position in the market.

9. Given below is a graph showing the number of electric bulbs sold in a shop for a week.

Read the bar graph or column graph carefully and answer the questions given below:

(i) On which day of the week was the sale minimum?

(ii) On which day of the week was the sale maximum?

(iii) What was the total sale during the week?

(iv) What is the ratio between the minimum sale and the maximum sale?


given graph shows the number of electric bulbs sold in a shop for a week.

By observing the graph,

(i) On Tuesday, the sale was minimum.

(ii) On Saturday, the sale was maximum.

(iii) The sale during the week is 1040 bulbs.

(iv) The minimum sale during the week = 100 bulbs.

The maximum sale during the week = 275 bulbs.

Therefore, minimum sale : maximum sale = 100 : 275 = 20 : 55.

10. Various modes of transport used by 1830 students of a school are given below:

School Bus Private Bus Bicycle Rickshaw By Foot
640 220 500 120 350

Draw a bar graph to represent the above data.


On a graph paper, take the mode of transport on the x-axis, the number of students on y-axis.

Take 1 small division = 50 students

Then, the heights of the bars are:

Number of students used school bus = (1/ 50 * 640) = 12.8

Number of students used bicycle = (1/ 50 * 500) = 10

Number of students used private bus = (1/ 50 * 220) = 4.4

Number of students used rickshaw = (1/ 50 * 120) = 2.4

Number of students reach school by foot = (1/ 50 * 350) = 7

11. A teacher of elementary school recorded the favorite subjects of her students in a bar graph. Use the graph to answer the following questions.

(i) What unit of the scale is used to display the popularity of subjects?

(ii) Which subject is the second most popular?

(iii) Which subject is less popular?

(iv) Which subject is favorite for 20 students?

(v) For how many students, maths is the favorite subject?


The given bar graph represents the favorite subjects for the students of a class.

By observing the graph, we can say that

(i) The popularity of the subjects is taken along the x-axis on the bar graph.

(ii) The second most popular subject is social.

(iii) The less popular subject is language.

(iv) Language is a favorite subject for 20 students in the class.

(v) For 40 students maths is the favorite subject.

Worksheet on Data Handling | Questions on Data Handling | Data Handling Worksheets

On this page, we can see the questions on Data Handling and know the procedure to solve frequency distribution and grouping of data problems. Get various types of problems on data handling in the following sections. Learn the easy way to solve data handling questions from Worksheet on Data Handling page. Practice using the Data Handling Worksheet and assess your preparation standards.

1. Given below are the marks (out of 100) in English obtained by 40 students of a class in an annual examination.

90, 36, 55, 78, 85, 96, 56, 77, 63, 53, 75, 56, 91, 86, 82, 29, 46, 40, 88, 76, 77, 79, 83, 85, 69, 64, 45, 67, 62, 60, 36, 39, 48, 49, 50, 73, 86, 88, 89, 92

Arrange the above data in ascending order and find

(i) the lowest marks obtained,

(ii) the highest marks obtained,

(iii) the range of the given data.


Given that,

The marks of 40 students of a class in English are 90, 36, 55, 78, 85, 96, 56, 77, 63, 53, 75, 56, 91, 86, 82, 29, 46, 40, 88, 76, 77, 79, 83, 85, 69, 64, 45, 67, 62, 60, 36, 39, 48, 49, 50, 73, 86, 88, 89, 92

The ascending order of the students marks are 29, 36, 36, 39, 40, 45, 46, 48, 49, 50, 53, 55, 56, 56, 60, 62, 63, 64, 67, 69, 73, 75, 76, 77, 77, 78, 79, 82, 83, 85, 85, 86, 86, 88, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 96

From the above data analysis, we can say that

The lowest marks obtained is 29.

The highest marks obtained is 96.

The range of the data is 96 – 29 = 67.

2. The weight (in Kgs) of 20 students who are playing sports daily is 56, 68, 43, 55, 58, 59, 52, 50, 46, 49, 50, 44, 45, 68, 67, 64, 60, 62, 55, 49

Arrange the above data in ascending order and find

(i) the lowest weight of the student,

(ii) the highest weight of the student,

(iii) the range of the given data.


Given that,

The weight os 20 students is 56, 68, 43, 55, 58, 59, 52, 50, 46, 49, 50, 44, 45, 68, 67, 64, 60, 62, 55, 49

The ascending order of the students weight is 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 49, 50, 50, 52, 55, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 64, 67, 68, 68

From the above data analysis, we can say that

The lowest weight of the student is 43 Kgs

The highest weight of the students is 68 Kgs

Range is 68 – 43 = 25.

3. A dice was thrown 25 times and the following outcomes were noted:

1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1

Prepare a frequency distribution of data.


Given that,

The noted outcomes of a dice are 1, 5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 2, 5, 6, 1, 5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1

Arranging the data in ascending order, we get the observations as 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6

The lowest value is 1, the highest value is 6, the range is 6 – 1 = 5

From the data, we find that

1 was observed 4 times,

2 was observed 5 times,

3 was observed 3 times,

4 was observed 3 times,

5 was observed 6 times,

6 was observed 4 times,

We may represent the above data in a tabular form, showing the frequency of each observation. The number of times data occurs in a data set is known as the frequency of data

This tabular form of representation is called a frequency distribution.

Dice Outcome Frequency
1 4
2 5
3 3
4 3
5 6
6 4
Total 25

4. The daily earnings (in dollars) of 30 stores in a market was recorded as under:

720, 450, 420, 560, 650, 750, 410, 420, 720, 600, 590, 595, 585, 860, 460, 489, 700, 710, 890, 850, 840, 845, 888, 830, 720, 420, 420, 560, 550, 555

Prepare a frequency distribution of data.


Given that,

The daily earnings of 30 stores in a market is 720, 450, 420, 560, 650, 750, 410, 420, 720, 600, 590, 595, 585, 860, 460, 489, 700, 710, 890, 850, 840, 845, 888, 830, 720, 420, 420, 560, 550, 555

The ascending order of the data is 410, 420, 420, 420, 420, 450, 460, 489, 550, 555, 560, 560, 585, 590, 595, 600, 650, 700, 710, 720, 720, 720, 750, 830, 840, 845, 850, 860, 888, 890

The lowest value is 410 dollars, the highest value is 890 dollars and the range is 890 – 410 = 480.

From the data, we can design a frequency distribution table.

Daily Earnings of the Store Frequency
410 1
420 4
450 1
460 1
489 1
550 1
555 1
560 2
585 1
595 1
600 1
650 1
700 1
710 1
720 3
750 1
830 1
840 1
845 1
850 1
860 1
888 1
890 1
Total 30

5. The heights (in cm) of 23 students were recorded as under:

129, 126, 130, 131, 145, 140, 139, 129, 128, 125, 141, 140, 130, 131, 126, 127, 126, 128, 125, 131, 133, 135, 136

Prepare a frequency distribution of data.


Given that,

The heights of 23 students in a class are 129, 126, 130, 131, 145, 140, 139, 129, 128, 125, 141, 140, 130, 131, 126, 127, 126, 128, 125, 131, 133, 135, 136

The ascending order of the data is

125, 125, 126, 126, 126, 127, 128, 128, 129, 129, 130, 130, 131, 131, 131, 133, 135, 136, 139, 140, 140, 141, 145

The lowest height of a student is 125 cm, the top height of a student is 145 cm, range is 145 – 125 = 20

From the data, we can design a frequency distribution table.

Height Frequency
125 2
126 3
127 1
128 2
129 2
130 2
131 2
133 1
135 1
136 1
139 1
140 2
141 1
145 1
Total 23

6. The marks obtained by 50 students of a class in a quiz are given below:

15, 20, 25, 12, 18, 45, 40, 30, 20, 10, 22, 33, 44, 46, 34, 43, 32, 23, 22, 25, 16, 17, 18, 12, 21, 29, 28, 34, 33, 30, 32, 41, 49, 48, 44, 46, 41, 47, 14, 40, 12, 11, 18, 30, 31, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45

Prepare a frequency distribution table for the grouped data.


Given that,

The marks scored by 50 students are 15, 20, 25, 12, 18, 45, 40, 30, 20, 10, 22, 33, 44, 46, 34, 43, 32, 23, 22, 25, 16, 17, 18, 12, 21, 29, 28, 34, 33, 30, 32, 41, 49, 48, 44, 46, 41, 47, 14, 40, 12, 11, 18, 30, 31, 35, 37, 38, 39, 45

The ascending order of the data is 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 18, 18, 20, 20, 21, 22, 22, 23, 25, 25, 28, 29, 30, 30, 30, 31, 32, 32, 33, 33, 34, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 40, 41, 41, 43, 44, 44, 45, 45, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49

From the data, we can say that the least marks scored are 10, the highest marks scored is 49.

Range is 49 – 10 = 39

The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 4. We then begin the scale with 10 and end with 49.

Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

Marks Scored Frequency
10 – 13 5
14 – 17 4
18 – 21 6
22 – 25 5
26 – 29 2
30 – 33 8
34 – 37 4
38 – 41 6
42 – 45 5
46 – 49 5
Total 50

7. The weekly wages (in dollars) of 26 workers of a factory are given below:

650, 620, 750, 800, 610, 600, 640, 650, 660, 670, 680, 710, 720, 730, 710, 750, 650, 660, 630, 500, 700, 750, 760, 780, 777, 720

Construct a frequency distribution table for the grouped data.


Given that,

The weekly wages of 26 workers of a factory are 650, 620, 750, 800, 610, 600, 640, 650, 660, 670, 680, 710, 720, 730, 710, 750, 650, 660, 630, 500, 700, 750, 760, 780, 777, 720

The ascending order of the data is

500, 600, 610, 620, 630, 640, 650, 650, 650, 660, 660, 670, 680, 700, 710, 710, 720, 720, 730, 750, 750, 750, 760, 777, 780, 800

The lowest value is 500, the highest value is 800, and the range is 800 – 500 = 300

The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 50. We then begin the scale with 500 and end with 800.

Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

Weekly Wages Frequency
500 – 550 1
551 – 600 1
601 – 650 7
651 – 700 5
701 – 750 8
751 – 800 4
Total 26

8. The weekly pocket expenses (in dollars) of 30 students of a class are given below:

80, 50, 60, 65, 55, 52, 51, 60, 64, 100, 90, 89, 98, 56, 65, 57, 75, 76, 67, 53, 70, 74, 75, 86, 93, 98, 82, 83, 94, 96

Prepare a frequency distribution table for the grouped data.


Given that,

The weekly pocket expenses of 30 students are 80, 50, 60, 65, 55, 52, 51, 60, 64, 104, 90, 89, 98, 56, 65, 57, 75, 76, 67, 53, 70, 74, 75, 86, 93, 98, 82, 83, 94, 96

The ascending order of the data is 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57, 60, 60, 64, 65, 65, 67, 70, 74, 75, 75, 76, 80, 82, 83, 86, 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 98, 98, 104

The lowest value is 50, the highest value is 104, the range is 104 – 50 = 54

The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 5. We then begin the scale with 50 and end with 104.

Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

Pocket Expenses Frequency
50 – 54 4
55 – 59 3
60 – 64 3
65 – 69 3
70 – 74 2
75 – 79 3
80 – 84 3
85 – 89 2
90 – 94 3
95 – 99 3
100 – 104 1
Total 30

9. The number of members in 20 families are given below:

5, 8, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5, 8, 2, 4

Prepare a frequency distribution of data.


Given that,

The number of members in 20 families are 5, 8, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7, 5, 8, 2, 4

The ascending order of the data is 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10

The lowest number is 2, the highest number is 10.

Range is 10 – 2 = 8

We may represent the above data in a tabular form, showing the frequency of each observation. The number of times data occurs in a data set is known as the frequency of data. This tabular form of representation is called a frequency distribution.

Number of Members Frequency
2 3
3 2
4 3
5 4
6 2
7 2
8 2
9 1
10 1
Total 20

10. The numbers of newspapers sold at a local shop over the 30 days are:

15, 5, 8, 50, 6, 51, 16, 61, 20, 23, 32, 75, 57, 89, 56, 65, 22, 23, 25, 26, 58, 91, 56, 45, 65, 75, 89, 92, 65, 52

State the frequency.


Given that,

The numbers of newspapers sold at a local shop are 15, 5, 8, 50, 6, 51, 16, 61, 20, 23, 32, 75, 57, 89, 56, 65, 22, 23, 25, 26, 58, 91, 56, 45, 65, 75, 89, 92, 65, 52

The ascending order of the data is 5, 6, 8, 15, 16, 20, 22, 23, 23, 25, 26, 32, 45, 50, 51, 52, 56, 56, 57, 58, 61, 65, 65, 65, 75, 75, 89, 89, 91, 92

The lowest value is 5, highest value is 92, range is 92 – 5 = 87.

The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 8. We then begin the scale with 5 and end with 92.

Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

Number of Newspapers Sold Frequency
5 – 12 3
13 – 20 3
21 – 28 5
29 – 36 1
37 – 44 0
45 – 52 4
53 – 60 4
61 – 68 4
69 – 76 2
77 – 84 0
85 – 92 3
Total 30

11. The electricity bills (in dollars) of 25 houses of a certain locality for a month are given below:

800, 750, 300, 250, 261, 320, 650, 590, 450, 270, 850, 450, 541, 200, 220, 260, 590, 240, 350, 461, 420, 700, 605, 630, 400

Prepare a frequency distribution table for the grouped data.


Given that,

The electricity bills of 25 houses for a month are 800, 750, 300, 250, 261, 320, 650, 590, 450, 270, 850, 450, 541, 200, 220, 260, 590, 240, 350, 461, 420, 700, 605, 630, 400

The ascending order of the data is 200, 220, 240, 250, 260, 261, 270, 300, 320, 350, 400, 420, 450, 450, 461, 541, 590, 590, 605, 630, 650, 700, 750, 800, 850

The lowest value is 200, the highest value is 850, the range is 850 – 200 = 650

The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 50. We then begin the scale with 200 and end with 650.

Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

Electricity Bills Frequency
200 – 249 3
250 – 299 4
300 – 349 2
350 – 399 1
400 – 449 2
450 – 499 3
500 – 549 1
550 – 599 2
600 – 649 2
650 – 699 1
700 – 749 1
750 – 799 1
800 – 850 2
Total 25

12. The weekly pocket expenses (in dollars) of 30 students of a class are given below:

50, 150, 20, 30, 60, 65, 55, 36, 35, 95, 85, 65, 45, 75, 37, 78, 54, 64, 39, 40, 46, 52, 102, 156, 130, 120, 118, 115, 126, 85

Prepare a frequency distribution table for the grouped data.


Given that,

The weekly expenses of 30 students are 50, 150, 20, 30, 60, 65, 55, 36, 35, 95, 85, 65, 45, 75, 37, 78, 54, 64, 39, 40, 46, 52, 102, 154, 130, 120, 118, 115, 126, 85

The ascending order of the data is 20, 30, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 45, 46, 50, 52, 54, 55, 60, 64, 65, 65, 75, 78, 85, 85, 95, 102, 115, 118, 120, 126, 130, 150, 154

The lowest value is 20, the highest value is 154, the range is 154 – 20 = 134

The intervals should separate the scale into equal parts. We could choose intervals of 15. We then begin the scale with 20 and end with 154.

Frequency Distribution Table for Grouped Data is

Students Weekly Expenses Frequency
20 – 34 2
35 – 49 7
50 – 64 6
65 – 79 4
80 – 94 2
95 – 109 2
110 – 124 3
125 – 139 2
140 – 154 2
Total 30

Worksheet on Coordinate Graph | Questions Based on Coordinate Graph

Worksheet on Coordinate Graph is the best source to begin your math practice. All questions related to the cartesian plane are given here to help the students learn maths. Simply check the solved questions on all four quadrants, signs of coordinates, plot points, graphs of simple function, etc. Get to know how to solve the coordinate graph questions simply by referring to this page.

For the sake of your comfort, we even listed the step by step solutions to all the sample problems provided. Solve the coordinate graph questions on your own and verify with the answers provided and test your preparation level.

1. What is the x coordinate, y coordinate of the following ordered pairs?

(i) (0, 8)

(ii) (5, -7)

(iii) (-8, 2)

(iv) (6, 7)

(v) (-9, -15)


 (i) (0, 8)

Here, the x coordinate is 0, y coordinate is 8. The point lies on the y-axis.

(ii) (5, -7)

Here, the abscissa is 5, the ordinate is -7. So, the point lies in the fourth quadrant.

(iii) (-8, 2)

Its x coordinate is -8, y coordinate is 2. So, the point lies in the second quadrant.

(iv) (6, 7)

Its x coordinate is 6, y coordinate is 7. The point lies in the first quadrant.

(v) (-9, -15)

Its x coordinate is -9, y coordinate is -15. So, this ordered pair lies in the third quadrant.

2. In which quadrant do the following points lie?

(i) (-16, 25)

(ii) (58, -36)

(iii) (27, 42)

(iv) (-36, 49)

(v) (-81, -150)


(i) (-16, 25)

As this point abscissa is negative, and the ordinate is positive, the point lies in quadrant II.

(ii) (58, -36)

The x coordinate is positive, y coordinate value is negative. So, the point lies in the fourth quadrant.

(iii) (27, 42)

Both the coordinates of the ordered pair are positive. So, the point lies in quadrant I.

(iv) (-36, 49)

This point x coordinate value is negative, y coordinate value is positive. So, the point lies in the second quadrant.

(v) (-81, -150)

As this point both coordinates are negative values, the point lies in the third quadrant.

3. Find which of the following points lies on the x-axis. And give a reason.

(i) (0, 8)

(ii) (29, 0)

(iii) (0, 0)

(iv) (-45, 0)

(v) (0, 26)

(vi) (52, -96)

(vii) (82, 0)

(viii) (-10, 0)


If the point has a y coordinate value is 0, then that point lies on the x-axis.
The list of points which lies on the x-axis are (ii) (29, 0), (iv) (-45, 0), (vii) (82, 0), and (viii) (-10, 0).

4. Find which of the following points lies on the y-axis. And give a reason.

(i) (0, 52)

(ii) (0, 75)

(iii) (-96, 95)

(iv) (88, 0)

(v) (0, -26)

(vi) (36, 72)

(vii) (96, 0)

(viii) (-63, 0)


If the point has an x coordinate or the abscissa value is 0, then that point lies on the y-axis.
The list of points that lies on the y-axis are (i) (0, 52), (ii) (0, 75), (v) (0, -26).

5. Plot the following points on a graph paper.

(i) (5, 6)

(ii) (-8, -6)

(iii) (2, -7)

(iv) (0, 3)

(v) (-1, 5)

(vi) (6, 0)

(vii) (5, 4)


Draw X’OX, Y’OY on a graph paper.

(i) The point (5, 6) lies in the first quadrant. And take 5 units along the x-axis towards the right from the origin, 6 units along the y-axis upwards from the origin to get the point.

(ii) As this point both coordinates are negative, it lies in the third quadrant. Take 8 units along the x-axis towards the right from the origin, 6 units along the y-axis downwards to plot the point (-8, -6).

(iii) This point lies in the fourth quadrant. Take 2 units on the x-axis, -7 units on the y-axis to get the point (2, -7).

(iv) This ordered pair x coordinate is zero. So the point lies on the y-axis. Take 3 units on the y-axis to get the point (0, 3).

(v) Point lies in the second quadrant. Take -1 unit along the x-axis, 5 units along the y-axis to get the point (-1, 5).

(vi) This point y-coordinate is 0. So, the point lies on the x-axis. Take 6 units along the x-axis and mark that point as (6, 0).

(vii) Both coordinates of the point lies in the first quadrant. Take 5 units along the x-axis, 4 units along the y-axis to plot the point (5, 4).

6. Tick (✔) the correct answer in each of the following:

(i) Which of the following quadrants does point A (56, -82) lie?

(a) Quadrant I

(b) Quadrant II

(c) Quadrant III

(d) Quadrant IV

(ii) Which of the following quadrants does point B (56, 82) lie?

(a) Quadrant I

(b) Quadrant II

(c) Quadrant III

(d) Quadrant IV

(iii) Which of the following quadrants does point C (-56, -82) lie?

(a) Quadrant I

(b) Quadrant II

(c) Quadrant III

(d) Quadrant IV

(iv) Which of the following quadrants does point D (-56, 82) lie?

(a) Quadrant I

(b) Quadrant II

(c) Quadrant III

(d) Quadrant IV

(v) The abscissa of a point is its distance from the

(a) origin

(b) x-axis

(c) y-axis

(d) none of these

(vi) The ordinate of a point is its distance from the

(a) origin

(b) x-axis

(c) y-axis

(d) none of these

(vii) Which of the following equation represents the x-axis?

(a) x = a

(b) y = 0

(c) x = y

(d) x = 0

(viii) What is the other name for abscissa?

(a) y coordinate

(b) ordinate

(c) x coordinate

(d) none of these


(i) Point A (56, -82) lies in Quadrant IV i.e d. Because x coordinate value is positive, y coordinate is negative.

(ii) Point B (56, 82) lies in quadrant I i.e a. Because both coordinates are positive.

(iii) Point C (-56, -82) lies in quadrant III i.e c. Because both coordinates are negative.

(iv) Point D (-56, 82) lies in quadrant II i.e b. Because x coordinate is negative, y coordinate value is positive.

(v) The abscissa of a point is its distance from the origin.

(vi) The ordinate of a point is its distance from the origin.

(vii) The equation x = 0 represents the x-axis.

(viii) Another name for abscissa is x coordinate.

7. XOX’ and YOY’ are the co-ordinate axes. Find out the co-ordinate of points, P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V. Also write x coordinate and y coordinate for each point.


From the coordinate graph, we can find the coordinates of the points P, Q, R, S, T, U, and V.

P coordinates are (-3, 3). Its x coordinate value is -3, y coordinate value is 3.

Q coordinates are (1, 6). Its abscissa value is 1, the ordinate value is 6.

R coordinates are (6, -8). Its x coordinate value is 6, y coordinate value is -8.

S coordinates are (-6, -3). Its x coordinate is -6, y coordinate is -3.

T coordinates are (6, -6). Its abscissa is 6, ordinate is -6.

U coordinates are (5, 3). Its x coordinate is 5, y coordinate is 3.

V coordinates are (-9, -6). Its x coordinate is -9, y coordinate is -6.

8. Plot the points P (4, 0), Q (8, 3), R (2, 6), S (-7, 5), T (3, -1) on the graph.


The point P (4, 0) lies on the x-axis. Point Q (8, 3) lies in the first quadrant, point R (2, 6) lies in the first quadrant. The point S (-7, 5) lies in quadrant II, T (3, -1) lies in quadrant IV.
Draw two perpendicular lines represents the x-axis, y-axis. Plot these points on the graph.

9. On which axis do the following points lie.

(i) (0, 53)

(ii) (0, 0)

(iii) (86, 0)

(iv) (42, 63)

(v) (0, 52)

(vi) (71, 0)

(vii) (289, 0)


Any points whose x coordinate value is 0, then that point lies on the y-axis. If a point y coordinate value is 0, then that point lies on the x-axis.

So, from the above list, (0, 53), (0, 52) lies on the y-axis. The points (86, 0), (71, 0), (289, 0) lies on the x-axis.

The point (0, 0) is called the origin which is the midpoint of both axes. In the point (42, 63) none of the coordinate values is 0, hence it does not lie on the axes.

10. Plot points A (5, 0), B (5, 5), C (0, 5). And join OA, AB, BC, OC. What figure do you get?


Given points are A (5, 0), B (5, 5), C (0, 5).

Plot those points on the graph having X’OX, Y’OY as axes. Join those points.

By joining the points, we will get a square having 5 units side length.

11. Write the co-ordinates of the points P, Q, R, S, T, U, V marked on the graph paper.


The coordinates of P are (5, 6). Its x coordinate is 5, y coordinate is 6.

Q coordinates are (-5, 6). Its abscissa is -5, ordinate is 6.

R coordinate values are (6, -4). Its x coordinate is 6, y coordinate is -4.

S coordinates are (-2, -8). Its abscissa is -2, ordinate is -8.

T coordinate values are (9, -6). Its x coordinate is 9, y coordinate is -6.

U coordinate values are (-3, 3). Its x coordinate is -3, y coordinate is 3

V coordinate values are (-3, -5). Its x coordinate is -3, y coordinate is -5.

12. Write the following by observing the adjoining figure.

(i) Co-ordinates of G

(ii) Point identified by (-1, 5)

(iii) Coordinates of B

(iv) Point identified by (3, 3)

(v) Abscissa of point H

(vi) Ordinate of point E

(vii) Abscissa of point E

(viii) Co-ordinates of point F

(ix) Point identifies by (-9, 7)

(x) Point having the coordinates (-3, -4)


(i) The coordinates of G are (3, -4).

(ii) Point identified by coordinates (-1, 5) is C.

(iii) The coordinates of B are (-3, -4).

(iv) The point identified by (3, 3) is A.

(v) The abscissa of point H is -8.

(vi) The ordinate of point E is -3.

(vii) The abscissa of point E is 4.

(viii) The coordinates of point F are (0, -4)

(ix) The point identified by (-9, 7) is D.

(x) The point having coordinates (-3, -4) is B.

13. (a) Draw the graph of the function y = 2x.

(b) From the graph, find the value of y, when (i) x = 1.5, (ii) x = -2, (iii) x = 2.5.


Given function is y = 2x

Find the value of y for the corresponding values of the x.

If x = 0, then y = 2 * 0 = 0

If x = 1, then y = 2 * 1 = 2

If x = -1, then y = 2 * -1 = -2

If x = 2, then y = 2 * 2 = 4

x 0 1 -1 2
y = 2x 0 2 -2 4

Plot the points O (0, 0), A (1, 2), B (-1, -2), C (2, 4) on the graph paper.

Join those points to get a line equation.

Linear equation forms a straight line.

By observing the graph, the value of y when x = 1.5 is 3, -2 is -4, 2.5 is 5.

14. Draw the graph of the function A = x4. From the graph, find the value of A, when (i) x = 2.5, (ii) x = 0, (iii) x = 3.5.


Given function is A = x4

Substitute x =1, 2, 3 in the function to get the A value.

If x = 1, then A = 14 = 1

If x = 2, then A = 24 = 16

If x = 3, then A = 34 = 81

x 1 2 3
A 1 16 81

Now plot the points A (1, 1), Q (2, 16), C (3, 81) on a graph paper.

Join those points to get a line equation.

By observing the graph, the value of y when x = 2.5 is 39, 0 is 0, 3.5 is 150.

15. Draw a graph of distance vs time. When the distance covered by an object is 3 times the time taken. Find the distance covered at 3 minutes, 4 minutes?


Given that,

When T = 0.5, D = 3 * 0.50 = 1.5

When T = 1, D = 3 * 1 = 3

When T = 1.5, D = 3 * 1.5 = 4.5

When T = 2, D = 3 * 2 = 6

When T = 2.5, D = 3 * 2.5 = 7.5

x 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
A 1.5 3 4.5 6 7.5

Now plot the points A (0.5, 1.5), B (1, 3), C (1.5, 4.5), D (2, 6), E (2.5, 7.5) on the graph.
Join those points to get a graph equation.

Take time along the x-axis, distance along the y-axis.

On the x-axis: 1 unit = 30 seconds.

On the y-axis: 1 unit = 1 unit.

Reading off the values from the graph.

On the x-axis, take the point L at t = 3.

Draw LP ⊥ x-axis, meeting the graph at P.

Clearly, PL = 9 units.

Therefore, t = 3 ⇒ D = 9.

On the x-axis, take the point M at t = 4

Draw MQ ⊥ y-axis, meeting the graph at Q.

Clearly, QM = 12 units.

Therefore, t = 4 ⇒ D = 12.

Worksheet on Number Puzzles and Games | Missing Number Puzzles with Answers

Number Puzzles and Games Worksheet is available here. This worksheet makes you familiar with the concept and different types of games and puzzles. Practice various questions to get knowledge of puzzles. Solve questions of number puzzles and games provided with solutions here and understand the approach used to solve various questions.

Question 1.

Complete the following magic square?



Add the numbers in the column which is completely filled with numbers.

Calculate the magic constant

magic constant = [n (n² + 1)] / 2

Sum = [4(4² + 1)] / 2

= [4 (16 + 1)] / 2

= [4 * 17] / 2

= 68 / 2 = 34

The sum of all rows, columns, and diagonals is 34.

Sum up the numbers in the column which is completely filled with numbers. Proceed with completing the row or column which has three numbers and only one cell empty.

3 14 13 0
8 5 6 11
4 9 10 7
15 2 1 12

Sum = 3 + 14 + 13 + 0 + 8 + 5 + 6 + 11 + 4 + 9 + 10 + 7 + 15 + 2 + 1 + 12 = 120

Question 2.

In the 4 x 4 magic triangle, fill in the numbers from 0 to 8 (without repetition) in the nine circles so that the numbers on each side of the triangle add up to 13.


The simple thing is place 0, 1, 2 at the vertices of the triangle. and remaining on other unfilled fields.

Worksheet on Number Puzzles and Games

Question 3.

In the magic box, there are 10 hidden mines. Around the numbered square the total number of mines hidden in the 8 squares, indicates the numbers in various squares. Now you have to find 10 mines.

2 0 1
3 1 2
1 0 1
2 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 2 2
1 1 2

First of all cross out all empty cells around the square 0.

2 x 0 x 1
3 x 1 x 2
1 0 x 1 x
2 x x 1 0
1 x 0 x 1 x
1 1 1 x 1
1 1 2 2
1 1 2

The hint is Mine is available at the lower-left corner of the grid.

Based on this hint and data provided on the question, 8 mines are represented using the M letter in the cells.

M 2 M x 0 x 1 x
x 3 x 1 x 2 M x
M 1 0 x 1 M x x
x 2 x x x x 1 0
M 1 x x 0 x 1 x
1 1 x 1 x x 1 x
x 1 x x 1 1 2 2
M x 1 x 1 x M x

Question 4.

Find the values A, B, C, D, and E to complete the number triangle given below:


We can say that each number is equal to the product of two nearest numbers in the row just above it.

So, A = 2 * 4 = 8

B = 8 * 2 = 16

C = 2 * 16 = 32

D = 16 * 64 = 1024

E = 64 * B = 64 * 16 = 1024

Question 5.

Solve the sudoku provided below.

1 4 8 9 6
7 3 4
1 2 9 5
7 1 2 6
5 7 3 8
6 9 5 7
9 1 4 6
2 3 7
8 5 1 2 4

The simple trick is to take one row or column which are having more filled numbers and less unfilled numbers.

In this question, the column which is having less unfilled cells is the first column. Continue the process to get the solution easily.

1 5 2 4 8 9 3 7 6
7 3 9 2 5 6 8 4 1
4 6 8 3 7 1 2 9 5
3 8 7 1 2 4 6 5 9
5 9 1 7 6 3 4 2 8
2 4 6 8 9 5 7 1 3
9 1 4 6 3 7 5 8 2
6 2 5 9 4 8 1 3 7
8 7 3 5 1 2 9 6 4

Question 6.

Find the missing number in the below-provided image?


We can figure it out as 5 + 3 = 8, 8 * 2 = 16

In the same way 8 + 12 = 20, 20 * (2 + 2) = 80

34 + 27 = 61 * (4 + 3) = 61 * 7 = 427

Missing number = 16 + 21 = 37 * (7 + 4) = 37 * 11 = 407

∴ Missing number in the image is 407

Question 7.

Using four sevens (7) and a one (1) create the number 100. Except for the five numerals, you can use the usual mathematical operations (+, -, x, :), root, and brackets ().


100 = 177 – 77

= (7 + 7) x (7 + (1 : 7))

So, (7 + 7) x (7 + (1 : 7)) = 14 x (7 + (1 : 7))

= 14 x ((49 + 1) : 7)

= 14 x (50 : 7)

= 2 x 50 = 100

Question 8.

Find the missing number?

5 7 6
4 4 4
8 2 ?

The simple trick is (5 + 7) / 2 = 6

(4 + 4) / 2 = 4

(8 + 2) / 2 = 10 / 2 = 5

∴ Missing number is 5.

Question 9.

What 5-digit number has the following property? If we put numeral 1 in front of the number, we get a number three times smaller, than if we put the numeral 1 behind this number.


We can solve this by using an easy equation 3 (x + 100000) = 10x + 1

3x + 300000 = 10x + 1

10x – 3x = 300000 – 1

7x = 299,999

x = 299,999 / 7

x = 72,857

∴ 5-digit number is 72,857.

Question 10.

Find the digits x and y (x > y) such that the five-digit number 19x9y is divisible by 36.


If a number is divisible by 36, then it is divisible by both 4 and 9.

Now, for 19x9y to be divisible by 4, we must have y = 2 or x = 6 (since the number formed by the last two digits must be divisible by 4).

Also, for 19x9y to be divisible by 9, the sum of the digits must be divisible by 9.

Therefore, when y = 2, then x = 6 and when y = 6, then x = 2.

Since, x > y, we have x = 6, y = 2.