Character Sketch of Prince of Morocco and Arragon in Merchant of Venice

Prince of Morocco and Arragon in Merchant of Venice | Merchant of Venice Characters Prince of Morocco and Arragon

Character Sketch of Prince of Morocco and Arragon in Merchant of Venice

Merchant of Venice Workbook Answers

Character Sketch of Prince of Morocco

  • proud and self-respecting
  • cortscious of his merit or worth
  • selfish
  • money-minded
  • courteous

Prince of Morocco – Proud and Self-respecting
The Prince of Morocco is proud and self-respecting. He is conscious of his black complexion but he does not feel inferior on this account. He is proud of his lineage, complexion as well as strength. He does not forget his worth while making the choice of the right casket. He thinks of Portia as a desirable wife because of her beauty and her wealth. The consciousness of his own worth and that of the lady make him opt for gold. He learns to his dismay that he is a fool who has been deceived by the outward charms.

Character Sketch of Prince of Arragon

  • haughty
  • hates common people
  • self-love
  • lacks grace and manners
  • churlish

Prince of Arragon – Haughty and Self-conceited
The Prince of Arragon is more haughty than the Prince of Morocco. He is extremely haughty and hates to be one of the multitude. He regards himself as exceptional. He feels that he deserves Portia because of his merits. He is a snob. No wonder, he fails to select the right casket. What is worse in him is that he lacks grace and manners. He does not accept his defeat and begins to argue his case. Portia has to remind him bluntly of the rules of the game and ask him to quit.

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prince of morocco merchant of venice

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