Construct a 2 x 2 matrix whose elements aij are given by
(i) aij = 2i – j
(ii) aij = i.j
Find the values of x and y if : ![\left[ \begin{matrix} 2x+y \\ 3x-2y \end{matrix} \right] =\left[ \begin{matrix} 5 \\ 4 \end{matrix} \right]](
More Solutions:
- If a : b : : c : d, prove that.
- If (5x+7y)/(5u+7v) = (5x-7y)/(5u-7v), show that (x/y) = (u/v).
- If (pa + qb) : (pc + qd) :: (pa – qb) : (pc – qd) prove that a : b : : c : d
- If (11a² + 13b²) (11c² – 13d²) = (11a² – 13b²)(11c² + 13d²), prove that a : b :: c : d.
- If x = (2ab/a+b), find the value of (x+a/x-a) = (x+b/x-b).