Essay On Winter Season For Class 3

In temperate and polar zones(winter does not occur in most of the tropical zone) winter is the coldest season of the year. It happens before spring and after autumn every year. The axis of the Earth being oriented away from the Sun in that hemisphere is the cause of winter.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 3 on the topic ‘Winter Season’ for reference.

Short Essay on Winter Season of 100 Words

In India from the beginning of November till the end of February Winter Season is felt. It covers the two months named Magha and Pausha according to Hindu Calendar. In the winter season, the days are short and nights are long.

In the winter season, the sky remains foggy in the morning. The weather is also cold. The weather is quite pleasant. The sun usually appears very late in the morning. The rays of the sun are also not very hot. People often light fires to save them from the extreme cold. In winter season we get varieties of fruits and vegetables.

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Long Essay on Winter Season of 150 Words

Among the four major seasons in India, Winter season is one of them. It lasts from the month of November to February. I like the feel of cold, so winter is favoured the most by me. It is the time when nights become very long and the days are short. On December 21, Winter solstice falls during this season.

During this season, it is en­joyable have a winter afternoon lunch spread on the lawn grass or to go for sunny picnics. The garden is usually full with the seasonal -blooms of dahlias,  chrysanthemums, sweet peas, colourful roses’, flocks.

The pleasure of eating ice creams is found during the winters only. In the evenings, munching popcorns, we can have bon­fires at home with all the family gathered together and sipping hot cof­fee and other tidbits. I believe that winter is the most colourful and wonderful of all the seasons, and it fills me with an in­describable warmth.

10 Lines on Winter Season in English

  1. After the rainy weather the season of winter comes.
  2. The weather remains cold in this time.
  3. Usual blow of cold wind is found in winter.
  4. To survive the cold people wears warm clothes.
  5. The nights become longer while the day become very short.
  6. People prefer hot coffee and tea.
  7. We get fruits like oranges, apples and grapes.
  8. At this season, people usually go for family picnics.
  9. Many winter flowers like petunia, marigold are found at this time.
  10. Sometime winter brings pain to the living world.

Frequently Asked Questions on Winter Season Essay

Question: How do you describe winter season?

Answer: In temperate and polar zones(winter does not occur in most of the tropical zone) winter is the coldest season of the year. It happens before spring and after autumn every year. The axis of the Earth being oriented away from the Sun in that hemisphere is the cause of winter.

Question: Why is winter my favourite season?

Answer: The winter season has a week full of festivities and we get our vacations at that time so it is my favourite season. For Christmas and New Year our school closes for a vacation of two weeks. In the winter season, people put on woollens and warm clothes to save themselves from the severe cold.

Question: What are the specific things we see in winter season?

Answer: During winter season,the nights become longer while the day become very short, to survive the cold people wears warm clothes.We get fruits like oranges, apples and grapes.Many winter flower like petunia, marigold are found at this time.People prefer hot coffee and tea.

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