Grade 5 When The Earth Shook! Worksheets

Calamities that occur due to nature are called natural calamities or disasters. Such as earthquake, floods, cyclones, drought, famine etc., Earthquake is defined as the shaking of earth. Factors which are responsible for causing earthquake are plate tectonics, malformation of rocks, crystallization of sedimentary rocks and due to volcanoes.

During earthquake seismic waves come out from the earth’s surface. It causes high rate of destruction. At the same time it may be helpful to the scientist to know more about the earth. Animals have the super senses to detect these seismic waves and they migrate into safety places.

When an earthquake occurs many people get injured and many people loose their lives and become homeless. Affected people receive food, medicine from others. We can protect ourselves from the earthquake by leaving the house immediately and going to an open ground.

If you can’t move lay down under strong thing like a table and hold it tightly. On 26th Jan, 2001, people of India experienced an earthquake of very high intensity.

A. Read the passage above which tells little about earthquake. Now, answer the questions below:

1. Define Natural Calamity.
2. Name some natural disasters.
3. What is arrearthquake?
4. During Earthquake ………………. waves comes out from the earth’s surface.
(a) electronic
(b) light
(c) seismic
5. On 26th Jan, 2001 high intensity earthquake was experienced at: ……………
(a) Bhuj, Gujarat
(b) Madurai, Tamil Nadu
(c) Port Blair, Andaman
6. How do the animals find an earthquake?
7. What way the seismic waves are helpful to the scientists?
8. List the f actors which causes earthquake.

B. Unscramble the words below to get the names of few natural calamities:

1. AVLOCON ………………
2. ONDTRAO ……………..
3. ONCYCLE ……………….
4. OOFLD ……………….
5. HROGDUT ………………..
6. EAIFNM ……………….
7. LAIHTSROM …………….
8. ALSDLEDNI ………………..

C. Match the following:

1. Earthquake (a) Acutescarcity of water
2. Cyclone (b) Excessive rainfall
3. Flood (c) Shaking of the earth’s surface
4. Famine (d) A long high sea wave caused by an earthquake or other disturbance
5. Volcano (e) Strong revolving wind which uproot huge poles and trees
6. Tsunami (f) Extreme scarcity of food
7. Drought (g) An opening on earth which allows hot ash, molten rock and gases to blow

D. Name a few things needed by people affected during Earthquake:

E. What should we do during an Earthquake?

CBSE Class 5 EVS When the Earth Shook! Worksheets 1

F. Name these helping organizations:

CBSE Class 5 EVS When the Earth Shook! Worksheets 2

G. Name these natural calamities:

CBSE Class 5 EVS When the Earth Shook! Worksheets 3

H. Write a report on Tsunami using clues given (waves, destructive, water, speed, ocean):

CBSE Class 5 EVS When the Earth Shook! Worksheets 4

Worksheets for Class 5 EVS

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