How do you write .625 as a fraction?
Since there are 3 digits in this problem it means that the number for the denominator will be 1000. the answer to this is 625/1000.
To turn a decimal into a fraction, first notice that the number to the right of the decimal point is 625. The 6 represents the tens, the 2 represents the hundreds, and the 5 represents the thousands. So, we can put 625 over 1000 or 625/1000.
Notice that the fraction (625)/(1000) is not in lowest terms. To turn the fraction into lowest terms, we can divide both the numerator and the denominator by 125.
(625)/(1000) รท (125)/(125) = (5)/(8)
Therefore, .625 can be written as the fraction 5/8, which is in lowest terms.
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