My Country Essay for Class 3

A country is a political nation, territory, or state-controlled by its government. A country is also a place of a person’s birth, citizenship, or residence. The name of my country is India, and I am proud to be an Indian. India is a vast country and has various cultures and traditions.

We are providing two essay samples for students of class 3 on the topic ‘My Country’ for reference.

Short Essay on My Country of 100 Words

My country, India, is a beautiful and vast land full of wonders. India is known for its diversity in regions, food, clothes, festivals, states, and almost everything representing the world, country, and citizens. India is a nation of the people, for the people, and by the people.

In India, people are allowed to run their country, choose their leader, and every individual is independent. Each state of India has its unique beauty of heritage and also has its history of religion. I am very proud of my country’s diverse culture, and I am very happy that I am India’s citizen.

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Long Essay on My Country of 150 Words

The name of my nation is India, and I am a proud citizen of India. My country is situated on the Asian continent. The Indian Ocean surrounds it on the south, the Bay of Bengal on the southeast, and the Arabian ocean on the southwest. India shares land borders with China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, and Pakistan.

My country is located in a beautiful geographical location. India is a democratic country, and the independence of our country was gained on 15th august 1947. My country has 29 states and eight union territories, and each of the state and union territories has its unique history, demography, festivals, and languages.

India’s name originates from the word ‘Indus,’ which derives from the word ‘Sindhus.’ My country is filled with individuals from various castes, religions, languages, and creeds. Still, all of the different communities live in harmony with each other. I love my country, and I am very proud of my country because it believes in Unity’s value in diversity.

10 Lines on My Country in English

  1. The name of the country where I took birth in India.
  2. Some of the other terms of my country are Bharat and Hindustan.
  3. India is a country that follows democracy.
  4. In my country, people belonging to different religions like Hindu, Sikh, Muslim, or Christian all love harmony.
  5. For its rich traditions and culture, my country is admired all over the world.
  6. India is the second most populated country in the world.
  7. My country follows and believes in Unity in diversity.
  8. My country is the seventh-largest country in the world.
  9. My country has a variety of food, language, clothes, folk-dance, traditions, and culture.
  10. I am a proud citizen of India, and I love my country.

Frequently Asked Questions on My Country

Question: What can a person do for their country?

Answer: A person may join the Army, the Air Force, or the Navy so that the defense of their country can be strengthened. No service can be greater than the sacrifice of their life for the protection of their country.

Question: Why should one love their country?

Answer: The feeling of patriotism and love is important for a person because it will make a nation stronger. The stronger the citizen’s sense of their country is, the stronger the government will be as a whole.

Question: What makes a good country?

Answer: A good country consists of a government that cares for its people and a good leader who reflects wisdom, intelligence, and a sense of patriotism for his country.

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