Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers Abou Ben Adhem

Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers Abou Ben Adhem

Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers

Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers Abou Ben Adhem
Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers Abou Ben Adhem

Abou Ben Adhem Comprehension Passages

1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase!)
Awoke one night from a deep dream of peace,
And saw, within the moonlight in his room,
Making it rich, and like a lily in bloom,
An angel writing in a book of gold

(i) What kind of person was Abou Ben Adhem ?
Answer: Abou Ben Adhem was a noble, selfless and virtuous person. He always thought . of the good of others. He was a peace-loving and brave person as he did no wrong.

(ii) Explain : ‘may his tribe increase!’
Answer: The narrator wishes that the number of persons like Abou Ben Adhem should increase because he was a noble, selfless and virtuous person. He always thought of the good of others.

(iii) What did Abou discover in his room ?
Answer: One night Abou was having a peaceful sleep. He woke up and discovered an angel in the moonlight in his room. The angel looked as beautiful as a lily in bloom. He was writing something in a golden book.

(iv) Which poetic device is used in the fourth line here ? What is its significance in the context ?
Answer: Simile. The poet wants to convey that the angel looked as beautiful as a lily in bloom. It signifies that the angel looked as calm and gentle as a lily in bloom.

(v) How did Abou react on knowing that his name was not among those who love God ? Was he depressed or disappointed ?
Answer: One night Abou discovered an angel in the moonlight in his room. He looked beautiful and calm. Abou asked him what he was writing. The angel looked up and said that he was writing the names of those persons who love God. Abou asked him if his name was in the list. The angel said that it was not. Abou seemed to be a bit shocked but he was not depressed or disappointed.

2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
Exceeding peace had made Ben Adhem bold,
And to the presence in the room he said,
“What writest thou?”-The vision raised its head,
And with a look made of all sweet accord,
Answered, “The names of those who love the Lord.”

(i) In whose presence did Abou become bold ? What made him bold ?
Answer: One night Abou discovered an angel in the moonlight in his room. In the presence of an angel in his room he became bold and took courage and asked him what he was writing. He was a noble, selfless and virtuous person. He was a peace- loving person. He became bold because he never did any wrong and so was not afraid of the heavenly presence in his room.

(ii) What did he want to know ?
Answer: He wanted to know from the angel what he was writing in his golden book.

(iii) Describe the angel. How did he look like ?
Answer: The angel appeared in Abou’s room at night. He was calm and had a soothing look. He was carrying a golden book in his hand. He looked as beautiful as a lily in bloom.

(iv) What was he writing in his book of gold ?
Answer: He was writing the names of those persons in his book of gold who love God.

(v) What made Abou pray to the angel to include his name among those who love their fellow men ?
Answer: Abou asked the angel what he was writing in his golden book. The angel told him that he was writing the names of those persons who love God. Abou asked him if his name was in his list. The angel said that it was not. Abou was a bit shocked. Since his name was not in that list, he prayed to the angel to include his name among those who love their fellow men.

3. Read the extract given below and answer
the questions that follow :
The angel wrote, and vanished. The next night
It came again with a great wakening light,
And showed the names whom love of God had blest,
And lo! Ben Adhem’s name led all the rest.

(i) What had the angel told Abou earlier in the context ?
Answer: The angel had told Abou that his name did not figure in the list of those who love God.

(ii) What request was made by Abou ? Was it accepted ?
Answer: Abou’s request to the angel was to include his name among those who love their fellow men. Yes, his request was accepted.

(iii) What did the angel show to Abou the next night ?
Answer: The angel showed Abou the next night the list of those who are blessed by God.

(iv) What came as a great surprise ?
Answer: It was a great surprise that Abou’s name topped the list of those blessed and loved by God.

(v) What does the poet want to convey through this poem ?
Answer: The poet wants to convey that we must love mankind if we want to receive God’s love and blessings. God loves those who serve humanity selflessly.

Abou Ben Adhem Assignment

Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
“And is mine one?” said Abou. “Nay, not so,”
Replied the angel. Abou spoke more low,
But cheerly still; and said, “I pray thee, then,
Write me as one that loves his fellow men.”

(i) What did Abou find the angel doing in his room one night ?
(ii) What was the angel writing ?
(iii) Did the angel’s answer depress Abou ? How did he conduct himself ?
(iv) What request did Abou make to the angel ?
(v) What surprises Abou the next night ? What message has the poet conveyed to all of us ?

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