Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers The Heart of a Tree
Treasure Trove Poems Workbook Answers
The Heart of a Tree Comprehension Passages
1. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
What does he plant who plants a tree ?
He plants a friend of sun and sky;
He plants the flag of breezes free;
The shaft of beauty, towering high;
He plants a home to heaven anigh;
For song and mother-croon of bird In hushed and happy twilight heard—
The treble of heaven’s harmony—
These things he plants who plants a tree.
(i) Who is described as a ‘friend of sun and sky’ ?
Answer: A tree is described as a ‘friend of sun and sky’.
(ii) Whom does a tree give shelter 7 How 7
Answer: A tree gives shelter to birds by allowing them to build their nests.
(iii) Which literary device has been used in the line : ‘In hushed and happy twilight heard’ 7
Answer: The literary device used here is alliteration.
(iv) Explain : ‘He plants a home to heaven anigh.’
Answer: He who plants trees makes the surroundings green. The place where there are green trees is nothing short of heaven.
(v) Towards the end of the poem the poet refers to the longing in the heart of the one who plants a tree. What is this longing ?
Answer: This longing is for the growth, development and prosperity of his country. He who plants a tree desires peace, harmony and comfort for himself and others. In fact, he yearns for the ecological, social and economic benefits for his country.
2. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
What does he plant who plants a tree ?
He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years that fade and flush again;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest’s heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
The joy that unborn eyes shall see- These things he plants who plants a tree.
(i) What does a tree ensure us in summer ? What do buds become in the days to come ?
Answer: A tree ensures cool shade for us in summer. Buds will bloom into flowers in the days to come.
(ii) How is a tree the glory of the plain ?
Answer: A tree ensures growth and development of the country. It brings prosperity and richness to the country. It saves the country from pollution.
(iii) Which literary device has been used in the line:
“And years that fade and flush again” ? Explain.
Answer: The literary device used in the line is alliteration. The placement of the words ‘fade and flush’ close by makes it an alliteration.
(iv) Explain the line :
‘And years that fade and flush again.’
Answer: The poet wants to convey that a tree establishes a link between our present and future. It serves as a living legacy for the next generation. It provides a link between us and our children.
(v) How does a tree become ‘the forest’s heritage’ ?
Answer: It becomes ‘the forest’s heritage’ because it leaves behind a history that lasts for many years. It reflects a tradition of the past. It serves us as a living legacy for the next generation. It symbolises the social fabric of the times.
3. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
What does he plant who plants a tree ?
He plants, in sap and leaf and wood,
In love of home and loyalty
And far-cast thought of civic good
His blessings on the neighborhood
Who in the hollow of His hand
Holds all the growth of all our land
A nation’s growth from sea to sea
Stirs in his heart who plants a tree.
(i) Name some benefits of tree planting referred to by the poet earlier in the context.
Answer: A tree ensures cool shade for us in summer and tender rains in all seasons. A tree gives us seeds which sprout and buds which bloom into flowers in times to come. It establishes a link between our present and future.
(ii) How does a tree planter do civic good ?
Answer: A tree planter does civic good by planting a tree. The tree benefits all the neighbours around. It saves the surroundings from
pollution. It provides shade to the people in summer and protects them from the scorching heat of the sun.
(iii) Who holds ‘all the growth of the land’ ? Which land has the poet in mind ?
Answer: He who plants a tree holds all the growth of his country. The poet emphasizes the fact that a country’s growth and development depend upon its wealth of trees. The planter’s country is the land which is in the poet’s mind.
(iv) Do you agree with the poet that a nation’s growth depends upon the wealth of trees ? Why/Why not ?
Answer: Yes, a nation’s growth depends upon the wealth of trees. A tree has ecological,
social and economic benefits. It saves us from pollution. It gives us seeds which sprout and buds which bloom into flowers in the times to come. It provides several general benefits to people.
(v) In what way is the poem relevant in our times ?
Answer: In our times forests are being decimated for building houses, roads and bridges. Trees seem to attract none. The poem, therefore, is relevant in our times because the poet draws our attention to what we do when we plant trees. He rightly says that one who plants trees plants many things – beauty, peace, prosperity and good values.
The Heart of a Tree Assignment
Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow :
What does he plant who plants a tree ?
He plants cool shade and tender rain,
And seed and bud of days to be,
And years that fade and flush again;
He plants the glory of the plain;
He plants the forest’s heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
The joy that unborn eyes shall see- These things he plants who plants a tree.
(i) How has the poet described a tree earlier in the poem ?
(ii) Which line has been repeated, and why ?
(iii) What social and ecological benefits of planting a tree does the poet refer to ?
(iv) In what sense is a tree ‘the harvest of a coming age’ ?
(v) Comment on the things a tree planter actually plants.