What does the number indicate?

All fire extinguishers are labeled with a letter and a number. what does the number indicate?
a. the relative size of the extinguisher
b. the minimum age of the person allowed to use it how many times
c. the extinguisher can be used how often
d. the extinguisher should be inspected


The number on a fire extinguisher represents the size of the fire that it can extinguish, with larger numbers indicating that it can handle larger fires. Personal safety should always be the priority.


The number on a fire extinguisher is in reference to the relative size of the fire that it can put out, rather than the physical size of the extinguisher itself. Generally, the larger the number, the larger the fire can be to still be effectively extinguished.

It’s important to remember that fire safety is a critical concern and it’s always better to escape and call the fire department if a fire is larger than you can handle. The priority should always be personal safety over property protection. Knowing how to properly use a fire extinguisher and what the labels mean is a vital part of this.

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