What, if anything, is missing from the article.

What, if anything, is missing from the article that would help you evaluate whether the conclusion is justified?


Original data, the hypothesis that was being tested, details about how the data was collected, info about a control group, methods of data analysis used, and the statistical likelihood of the hypothesis.

What might be missing from an article that would affect the evaluation process of a conclusion result are ;

  • Hypothesis of the experiment
  • Original data
  • Control group
  • Method of original data analysis

Although your question has some missing details a general answer is provided within the scope of your question

Aim of question: how to justify result obtained from an experiment

During an experiment there are important factors required for the results obtained ( conclusion ) of an experiment to be evaluated effectively. and some of these factors when missing will have a negative effect on the experimental result ( final result obtained ).

The hypothesis in an experiment establishes the relationship between variables in an experiment and a hypothesis is tested for verification.

The Original data when tampered with will result to an altered conclusion while the control group is the reference group not subjected to experimental conditions.

The method used in obtaining the result and the original data plays an important role as well during the verification of the conclusion. therefore when missing the conclusion cannot be justified .

Hence we can conclude that, what might be missing from an article that would affect the evaluation process of a conclusion are ;Hypothesis of the experiment, Original data, Control group, Method of original data analysis.

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