What is 128 ounces in gallons?
128 ounces is equal to 1 gallon.
An ounce is a unit of measurement for volume and weight, and it is commonly used in the United States and other countries to measure the volume of liquids, such as cooking ingredients and beverages.
To convert 128 ounces to gallons, you need to use a conversion factor that relates ounces and gallons. One gallon is equal to 128 ounces. To convert ounces to gallons, you divide the ounces by the conversion factor.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to converting 128 ounces to gallons:
Determine the conversion factor: The conversion factor is 128 ounces per gallon.
Use the conversion factor: To convert 128 ounces to gallons, divide 128 by the conversion factor, which is 128.
Calculate the result: 128 / 128 = 1 gallon
So, 128 ounces is equal to 1 gallon.
In conclusion, to convert 128 ounces to gallons, you use a conversion factor and divide the ounces by the conversion factor. The result of the conversion is 1 gallon.
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