What is perrla medical abbreviation?
The abbreviation for the pupil characteristics your doctor should look at during an eye exam is PERRLA.
What does Perrla mean in medical terms?
PERRLA can also be viewed as a sentence. Equal, rounded, light-responsive, and accommodating, pupils are. The abbreviation for the pupil characteristics your doctor should look at during an eye exam is PERRLA. The words pupils, equal, round, reactive (to), light, and accommodation are included in the list.
Andrew G. Lee, MD, Professor of Ophthalmology in Neurology and Neurological Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical College, asked attendees to stop using the acronym PERRLA, which stands for “pupil, equal, round, reactive to light, and accommodation,” during a mini-symposium on neuro-ophthalmology at the Hawaiian Eye meeting.
Equal in both size and form, the pupils should be. If one pupil is larger than the other, there might be something wrong. Pupils in good health are round. If the pupils have an odd shape, an eye injury may be present.
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