Where will the hand of a clock stop.

Where will the hand of a clock stop if it starts from
(i) 6 and turns through 1 right angle?
(ii) 8 and turns through 2 right angles?
(iii) 10 and turns through 3 right angles?
(iv) 7 and turns through 2 straight angles?


ML Aggarwal Class 6 Solutions for ICSE Maths Chapter 11 Understanding Symmetrical Shapes Ex 11.2 3

What fraction of a revolution have you turned through if you stand facing
(i) north and turn clockwise to face west?
(ii)south and turn anti-clockwise to face east?
(iii) east and turn clockwise (or anti-clockwise) to face west?
Also, find the number of right angles turned in each case.


ML Aggarwal Class 6 Solutions for ICSE Maths Chapter 11 Understanding Symmetrical Shapes Ex 11.2 4

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