CBSE Class 7 Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets – In the present education system, Worksheets are playing an important role. Worksheets are very useful for every student in order to practice all the topics of the subject in a concise way. CBSE Class 7 Social Science worksheets for Natural Vegetation and Wildlife are prepared by the experts of as per their latest syllabus and its guidelines. For students who are pursuing CBSE Class 7, can also avail the officials released Worksheets for various subjects. Teachers and students both can get the Chapterwise CBSE NCERT Class 7 Worksheets for all subjects like Social Science, etc. from our site.
But today we have come up with CBSE 7th Standard Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets to help students to develop logical, lingual, analytical, and problem-solving capabilities in this topic. So, here we are with a bundle of Social Science Worksheets on this important topic i.e., Natural Vegetation and Wildlife for CBSE Class 7th Students. You can download these Class 7 CBSE Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets in PDF format from the further sections.
CBSE Class 7 Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets PDF Download
Explore all important concepts of the Natural Vegetation and Wildlife by using these CBSE Class 7 Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets Pdf. However, NCERT CBSE Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science chapter wise are prepared by our expertise subject teachers based on the latest CBSE Social Science Syllabus & guidelines released by the CBSE board. With the help of our CBSE NCERT Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Practice Worksheets, students can easily practice the topic in detail and estimate their preparation level and topic knowledge before the exams.
Natural Vegetation And Wildlife Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)
1. Which of the following trees are not found in the tropical evergreen forests?
(a) Rosewood
(b) Neem
(c) Ebony
(d) Mahogany
2. Hardwood trees are useful for making :
(a) Paper
(b) Furniture
(c) Medicine
(d) Jewellary
3. Pheasants birds are commonly found in :
(a) Temperate Deciduous forests
(b) Mediterranean forests
(c) Coniferous forests
(d) Tropical Evergreen forests
4. Golden langoor is native to the forests of:
(a) Temperate Evergreen forest
(b) Temperate Grasslands
(c) Tropical Deciduous forest
(d) Coniferous forests
5. The ‘Lungs of the Earth’ is the name given to the tropical evergreen forest of:
(a) Canada
(c) Mexico
(d) Chile
Natural Vegetation And Wildlife Fill in the Blanks
1. Forest that do not shed their leaves completely are known as ……………. .
2. Tropical evergreen forest are called as ……………. .
3. Temperate evergreen forest are located in ……………. region.
4. Citrus fruits are commonly cultivated in ……………. vegetation.
5. Tropical deciduous trees shed their leaves in ……………. season.
6. Coniferous forests are also called as ……………. .
7. Mediterranean region also known as ……………. .
8. Taiga means ……………. or ……………. .
9. The Tropical Evergreen forest in Brazil is known as ……………. .
10. Tropical grasslands in Brazil is known as ……………. .
Natural Vegetation And Wildlife Very Short Answer Type Questions
1. Mention two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends?
2. In which part of the world, the tropical deciduous forests are found?
3. In which climatic conditions, citrus fruits are cultivated?
4. In which part of the world, seasonal grassland is found?
5. Which region is also known as the ‘Orchards of the world’?
Natural Vegetation And Wildlife Short Answer Type Questions
1. Name some of the animals found in tundra vegetation.
2. Why do tropical deciduous forests shed their leaves in dry season?
3. Why does biodiversity varies as we move from equator to the poles?
4. What do you mean by wildlife sanctuary?
Natural Vegetation And Wildlife Long Answer Type Questions
1. What is meant by conservation?
2. Mention the human activities which are responsible for the degradation of the bio¬diversity in the different regions of the world.
FAQs on CBSE Social Science Chapterwise Worksheets for Class 7
1. Can CBSE Provide Class 7 Social Science Worksheets for all Chapters?
Yes, CBSE Boards prescribe the Worksheets for Class 7 students on its official website. You can also get them from our website
2. How can I prepare the Class 7 Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife topic in a fun-learning way?
Practicing NCERT CBSE Class 7 Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets is the best way to prepare the concept in detail and in a fun learning way.
3. Which website provides the best Worksheets for Class 7 Social Science chapter wise CBSE?
WorksheetsBuddy website provides the best & most reliable practice Worksheets for CBSE Class 7 Social Science for all chapters like Natural Vegetation and Wildlife, etc.
4. How to download PDF Formatted CBSE NCERT Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Practice Workbooks for Class 7?
Simply click on the direct links provided on this page and download the CBSE Class 7 Social Science Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Worksheets in PDF format and use them offline at any time anywhere you wish.