A. Answer the following questions:
1. Name the place in Manipur where the Nightout and Leima ruled.
2. Why did the people of Kangleipak love their king and queen?
3. Why did the Ningthou want to choose a future king?
4. How did the king want to select their future king?
5. What kind of child was Sanatombi?
6. Have you ever seen an animal or a bird in pain? What did you do?
B. Tick (✓) the correct answer (Multiple Choice Questions):
1. Who were loved by the people?
(a) Ningthou and Leima
(b) Tingthou and Famina
(c) LingthouandTamina
(d) None of these
2. What was the name of the daughter of the king and the queen?
(a) Sanayaoba
(b) Sanayaima
(c) Sanatomba
(d) Sanatombi
3. Who mounted his horse and held his spear straight in front of him?
(a) Sanayaima
(b) Sanajaoba
(c) Sanatomba
(d) None of these
4. Who was declared the future Leima of Kangleipak?
(a) Sanatombi
(b) Sanajaoba
(c) Sanatomba
(d) Sanayaima
C. Fill in the blanks:
1. ……………….. and ………………. were loved dearly by the people.
2. ………………. was a lovely child, soft and beautiful inside. .
3. The ministers were ……………… .
4. The people knew ………………. .
5. Sanatombi looked and lonely. ……………… .
D. State True or False:
1. The birds and animals too loved Ningthou and Leima.
2. Their beloved king and queen had two sons.
3. The Ningthou and Leima turned to their sons.
4. The Ningthou looked at the three boys.
5. The eldest son always became the king in olden days.
E. Write the meanings of the following in English:
Tunggi Ningthou — …………………..
Thouro ! Thouro ! — ………………….
Phajei! Phajei! — ……………………..
Shagol thauba nupa! — ………………..
F. Read the lesson carefully and put a circle around all the action words with -ed at the end. Then write them in one column and their present form in another. One is done for you:
G. Fill in the correct word in the blanks and complete the story:
In a forest, there ………………… (live / lives / lived) a goblin named Cruel. One day, he ………………… (meet / met / meets) an old man wandering in the forest. Immediately, Cruel
……………….. (leap / leaps / leapt) on to the old man’s shoulders and ………………….. (order / orders / ordered) him, “Let’s go. Move fast.” The frightened old man ………………. (obey
/ obeys / obeyed) the nasty goblin and ……………….. (walk / walks / walked) on. As they on,(move / moves / moved), he …………….. (notice / notices / noticed) that the goblin’s feet were very tender.
The old man ……………… (ask / asks / asked) Cruel, “Sir, how are your feet so soft and tender?” Cruel ……………….. , (reply / replies / replied) “I have taken a vow that I will not touch the ground with my feet, till I wash them.” They soon ………………… (come / comes / came) to a pool. The goblin ………………….. (instruct / instructs / instructed) the old man to wait for him while he …………………. (enter / enters / entered) the pool.
The old man ……………….. (think / thinks / thought) to himself, “Now that the goblin has wet his feet, he does not need me. Let me run for my life or he will surely eat me up.” So he ………………….. (run / runs / ran) off.
Make a list of the action words from this story:
H. Discuss the following and answer:
1. Where is Manipur on the map of India?
(i) Assamese
(ii) Maithailon
(iii) Mizo
2. What language do the people of Manipur speak?
3. Who do you think should have been made the future king?
- Sanajaoba, the one who jumped through the tree.
- Sanayaima, the one who jumped over the tree.
- Sanatomba, the one who uprooted the tree.
(i) Why do you think so?
(ii) Who was made the future queen and why?
I. Some interesting words sound like the noises for which they stand. You use a different tone of voice when you say these words. The voice becomes louder and more forceful.
For example,
Zoom! went the car.
Bang went the door.
Pip! pop! flippety flop!
Say the following and write what would make these sounds or actions:
Click! …………………..
Chirp! ………………….
Whisper! ……………..
Bravo! ………………..
Oh! …………………
Ah! …………………
Hurrah! ………………
Alas! …………………
Wonderful! ……………….
Hi! ……………….
Ho! …………………
Hop away! ……………..