Dental Tips For Children With Braces

Dental Tips For Children With Braces

Dental Tips For Children With Braces

According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), braces help in fixing crooked teeth, teeth that are spaced too close, or too f ar apart. Hence, braces become a part of life for many growing kids. However, it is important that the kids take care of their braces, because the better it is taken care of, the more effective the results will be and the sooner it can be removed.

In the first few days of using dental braces, the child may experience soreness/sensitivity/pressure in the teeth, which may be expressed as dull ache/ pain / discomfort and irritating. Hence, a usual dose of a mild pain reliever may be given as directed, after meals to relieve these symptoms. Also, warm salt water gargles several times a day. is suggested to relieve the ache.

Diet After The Procedure

During this period, a soft diet is recommended. Foods such as porridge, milk, soup, rice, da!, ¡dli, cooked vegetables, curds, soft fruits like bananas, fruit juice, milk shakes, jelly, custard etc. can be consumed. And in about a week’s time, the child should gradually be able to start having a normal diet.

However, throughout orthodontic treatment it is mandatory to avoid hard or sticky foods at all times (chewing gums, chikki, toast, mentos, ice etc.) as eating hard or sticky foods could break/dislodge the braces, causing great discomfort, reversing some treatment results and prolonging the time required to finish the treatment.

Changing The Way Of Eating Foods

  • Never bite into whole fruits, like apples or pears. Always cut them into small pieces/ slices and chew them with the molars.
  • Vegetables like carrots can be grated. O The meat on bones should be soft and cut into smaller bits and the bones should not be chewed.
  • Bread/biscuits/pizza may be cut into pieces and chewed with the molars, Biting into any of these foods with the front teeth should be avoided.
  • Nuts can also be chopped and chewed with the molars, or teeth located at the back.
  • Mints can be sucked on, but never chewed.
  • Frizzy/carbonated beverages should be avoided, as these could damage the enamel of the teeth. So choose healthier options such as fruit juices.

In case the child’s tongue or the inside of the lips or cheeks become inflamed, it is advised to first dry the area with a cotton bud and then apply the prescribed get. And don’t worry because, the child may soon get used to the braces and after some time, he/she may not even realize that the braces are on.

Caring For The Teeth And Gums

Regular Brushing

The child must brush his/her teeth and gums at least three times a day, preferably after meals. If this is not always practiced, then at least the mouth must be rinsed thoroughly with water after lunch/dinner or a snack.

It is best for the child to use a soft bristle toothbrush with a small head, to easily access all areas of the mouth. Get fluoridated toothpaste and make sure the child spends at least three minutes for thorough brushing, during each session,

Attend to both sides of each jaw separately and in sequence, so that every surtace of each tooth, is taken care of.

Here’s the correct technique for your child to brush – the bristles of the brush must be angled towards the gum, with the tips of the bristles at the gum line on the outer surfaces of the teeth, between the orthodontic wires and gum line (the head of the brush will cover two or three teeth at a time). Now the handle of the toothbrush must be jiggled, to massage the gums with a light circular motion and then swept over the teeth, away from the gums in one direction only. This will very effectively dislodge all the food particles stuck, However, make sure the child avoids the use of an up and down movement.

Let the child repeat this action a couple of times before moving on to the next segment of teeth and instruct to repeat the same on the inner surfaces of the teeth, again starting at the gum line.

The chewing surfaces of the teeth must be brushed with a scrubbing motion.

Interdental Brushing
It is advisable to use interdental brush tips to remove any food particles or plaque that collects around orthodontic brackets, wires and near the gum margins. And this does not require toothpaste.

Leave Fear Behind!

Leave Fear Behind!

Leave Fear Behind!

If we let it engulf us, fear will rule us and ¡n almost all cases, ills something that we choose over all our other impulses. We start recognizing the feeling of fear right from childhood itself, due to the convincing and judicious advice we get from of our primary family members who strive to guide and protect us.

The Fear In Us

Right through our growing years, we’ve all heard suggestions like ‘be careful, you might get hurt,’ ‘be careful, you don’t know what could happen’ etc. These suggestions create a thought process in us to be very cautious of what we do and stop us from getting to be more adventurous. In a way, we begin to doubt ourselves, without allowing our freedom to explore different options.

So primarily, fear is instilled in us, as a motive to avoid physical harm during our childhood. However, instead of limiting its influence to just physical harm, we utilize this impulse and use it like an emotional crutch on which we get dependent.

Also, the fearful feeling that we experience in our life results from our dependence to be in our emotional comfort zone. This is because, we are scared of failure, rejection, and criticism. So in our bid to avoid these assumed negativities, we restrict our behaviour, propelled by self-protection. We also limit our capabilities and in the bargain don’t get to be open and strong.

When we are fearful, we are not interested in anything. We become vulnerable and lonely and try different options to escape from this feeling, rather than think dearly ¡n order to find a way to face the fear and conquer it. Besides, fear sometimes engulfs some in such a manner, that it propels them towards suicidal thoughts.

The Shell We Live In

  • Fearful people tend to be shaped and molded as timid and weak, due to their personal interactions, either by their critical parents, bullying peers or dominating bosses.
  • We get caged in life, as we try to please our loved ones who worry about us with the tendency to protect
  • These loved ones are our parents, friends, peers, lovers, neighbours and leaders who worry about us being more protective of our own well-being.
  • These worriers that surround us often enflame our fear and steal our motivation to fulfill our dreams.
  • Hence, fear is like a kind of emotional blackmail that works as a mental barrier for our progress.

Unseal The Envelope

  • To enjoy lite to its fullest, we have to conquer fear by being obsessed about personal freedom; don’t let it get governed by predictable thought patterns.
  • If everything in life happens in a predicted way, It cannot be called life. Besides, nobody can predict about life, irrespective of their position or wealth.
  • The first step towards a new path definitely sends a chill down the spine, but with courage and practice anybody can overcome this feeling.
  • While taking that first step, don’t get discouraged with the expectation of a negative outcome. Just move forward with a positive outlook – saying to yourself, that you are going to consider the outcome as an experience, whether it is positive or neg all ve.
  • Once you start taking decision after decision and realize your potential, it will become easier to take bigger decisions without hesitation. It is like becoming an orator with practice.
  • Standing in front of a big crowd for the first time to give a public speech, is definitely daunting, but with time and practice you become comfortable, But don’t ever give up the task. Quitting is not a solution!
  • Take a bold step in attempting the task that looks difficult. Don’t let fear reign over your capabilities.
  • To conquer fear, you have to build mental fortitude. Courage, continuous practice and perseverance play a vital role in building your mental strength.
  • Once you make a decision to accomplish your dream or goal, you have to make a choice not to let fear overcome your ambition towards that goal.
  • Be true to yourself and stick to the path that you have selected, no matter what kind of hardships you come across.
  • Be selective in choosing the advice of right people and be shrewd in curtailing the people who nurture your fear.
  • When freedom and fear have the same power in making or breaking your lite, is ¡t wiser to select freedom that will fortify your mind and will instil in you, a broader outlook towards life.

If everything in life happens in a predicted way, it cannot be called life. Besides, nobody can predict about life, irrespective of their position or wealth

Why The Elderly Are Not Safe

Why The Elderly Are Not Safe

Why The Elderly Are Not Safe

The World Health Organization in 2002 officially recognized elder abuse as a social problem. In 2016, the International Network for Prevention of Elder Abuse have also declared World ElderAbuse Awareness Day’ to spread awareness about the ill-treatment towards elderlies.

A 2015 report lists India at 14 per cent, the lowest among Asian countries as compared to China reporting 36 per cent elder abuse. More than 50 per cent of India’s elderly suffer some form of abuse in silence and 77 per cent of them live with their families.

Welfare organizations for the elderly these days are of the opinion that the joint family system has been ruined by the rapid urbanization leading to the emergence of nuclear families, wherein, the warmth and the bond among family members has been eroded.

Different Kinds Of Elderly Abuse

With age, hearing and sight begin to fail, thus elders become easy targets for fraud and abuse. Mistreatment of elders at the hands of those whom they rely on, or trust, is termed as elder abuse. It could happen at home or in an institutional setting, by family, friends, neighbours, a care giver or a paid service provider. Also, elder abuse comes in a variety of ways and forms. It could be mental, emotional, physical, sexual or financial abuse, leading to neglect, abandonment, and exploitation.

Physical Abuse
This takes place when intentional force is used on the elderly, causing injury, pain, and impairment. Some elders suffer from lapses in memory, or some form of dementia, wherein they need to be supervised very closely, to avoid harm to themselves and others.

Emotional Or Psychological Abuse
This comprises of intimidation, yelling, threats, humiliation, and ridicule. Intentionally ignoring the presence of elders around you, also amounts to emotional abuse.

Social Isolation And Neglect
It could be intentional or unintentional, based on factors such as ignorance or denial, that an elderly needs the time, attention and care.

Sexual Abuse
This ¡s prevalent where elders are helpless and at the mercy of caregivers for their activities of daily living and can be described as inappropriate contact with an elderly person without the elder’s consent.

Financial Exploitation
Using elderly person’s property or funds by family members, caregivers, outsiders or scam operators, without their permission falls in this category. Unless meticulous accounts are maintained, misuse of elder’s finances, forging of signatures and identity theft is very common.

Healthcare Fraud
Exorbitant charges levied by unethical healthcare professionals, double billing or overcharging at pharmacies and hospitals and kickbacks for referrals, for various tests and diagnostic services constitutes healthcare fraud.

The National Network for the Prevention of Elderly Abuse (2008) has classified abuse into three broad categories:

  1. Depriving choices, respect, finances, status, and decision.
  2. Neglecting abandonment, social exclusion, and isolation.
  3. Violating medical, legal and human rights.

Legal Obligation Of The Children
Using abusive language and talking rudely to an elder constitutes 72.4 per cent of the elderly abuse, followed by 43.1 per cent by way of giving an elder the ‘silent treatment.’ The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007, helps in preventing the abuse of elderly, by creating legal obligation of the children to provide assistance and help to their elderly parents, like provision for residence, food, medical attendance, clothing, and treatment.

Also, a childless couple can demand income from their relatives for maintenance. However, Indian senior citizens remain unaware of this act and many bear it silently, rather than complain due to social stigma and fear of abandonment.

Action cannot be taken unless the aggrieved gives a written complaint and most elders fail to do so. However, maintenance tribuna’s have been set up to assist elders in filing their complaint and also issue notices to the children, conduct hearings, take evidence and order maintenance.

Helping To Empower The Elderly

Helplines across India are run by Foundations, Trusts, and NGOs in association with the city police. Highlighting the importance of sensitization, elder care foundations suggest that the children and the younger lot of our society are taught that love and respect for elders is something which is non-negotiable. For a country to progress, community ties need to be strengthened to prevent abuse and elders need to be empowered to fight back against violation of their basic human rights. Also, from a tender age, children should be taught to treat their elders as invaluable assets to their household, community, and society.

Dietary Guidelines For Working Women

Dietary Guidelines For Working Women

Dietary Guidelines For Working Women

Women are now placed in high positions at work, which means longer working hours. However, responsibility towards one’s family still remains the same, which possibly leads to neglect of oneself. Nevertheless, a woman can lead a healthy and happy lite, cope with her busy schedule and balance both, her family and work lite effectively, if only she follows these guidelines.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Drinking good amounts of water helps to stay hydrated. Dehydration leads to lethargy and tiredness, so carry a bottle of water along with you to your workplace and keep refilling it regularly.

Carry Healthy Snacks

In between snacks is very important to keep the body energetic and nourish the cells. But make sure you indulge in healthy snacks, such as dry fruits, vegetable sticks, whole fruits, cheese, dark chocolate, etc.

Avoid Processed Foods

Processed and packaged foods like chips, packed juices, and canned fruits have lots of sugars, salt and fat in them, which overburden your body hormonal levels and cause sudden spikes of blood sugar levels, which in the long-run may cause insulin resistance, I which is also responsible for PCOD, Type Il diabetes, obesity, etc.

EatA Healthy Breakfast

Firstly, never skip breakfast As you require tons of energy to kick-start your day, a healthy breakfast plays an important role in maintenance of your energy levels throughout the day. Ensure your breakfast menu covers all the five nutrients – carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals.

Eat Fresh Fruits And Veggies

Including at least two portions of whole fruits and three portions of vegetables (one portion should be raw) in your daily diet, will enrich your body with the required antioxidants that will fight with infective and inflammatory conditions, thus improving your immunity level and health.

Health Tip – Exercise Often

Working out for at least five days a week for about half an hour, will keep you fit and confident to run a successful career and family. So take out time for yourself and exercise. Just walking in the fresh air for about 30 minutes will do wonders for your body.

The Importance of Gender Sensitization

The Importance of Gender Sensitization

The Importance of Gender Sensitization

A boy, specifically during his teenage years, may perceive an individual or the act of an individual, as an inspiration and implement it in his adulthood, which if negative (toxic mentality) is bound to hurt women and men, equally.

As a parent, are you aware of the prevalent patriarchy that exists in our society? Are you proud of your boy for being a boy or for being a good human being? Also, are you aware of how your son perceives society on the basis of gender and related issues? This is the first interpersonal skill that needs to be taught with affection to boys, to prevent the practice of gender bias when they become adults.

As stressed above, gender sensitization is a very crucial requisite for the normal development of an Individual, as without the ability to be sensitive to the needs of a particular gender, an individual may fail to develop a better understanding of the opposite gender and in some cases, even himself.

Instilling Gender Sensitization (10-16 Years)

Here are five steps that can be easily remembered as ‘S.N.E.H.A’ meaning affection, which will make boys realise the importance of being a good human first and to curtail thoughts of becoming a dominant male; respecting the presence of other individuals in the same way they would like to be respected in the future. Further, they might also share this tool one day as a parent In the future.

  1. ‘Sharpener’ Within Let them open up first. So be honest to the questions received. The child needs to sharpen his thought processes first and then his personality.
  2. ‘Notepad’ Of The Future Encourage your child to write down his experiences in a notepad. This is important, as some children may be unwilling to share their encounters orally.
  3. 3. ‘Eraser’ In The Mind Reward your child for breaking a myth regarding day-to-day events. In this way, you will erase the occurrence of further negativity.
  4. ‘hand kerchief’ For The Soul Any human being can cry, regardless of gender. This is an important prerequisite to be taught to boys, as some teenagers may face bullies any day. Stress on the fact that it is okay to show emotions.
  5. ‘Alarm Clock’ For The Body Self-discipline cannot be forced on children, but the importance of it can be shared. Thus, it is important to share gender-specific biological differences (example menstruation) so that they respect individuals, even on a biological level.

The change for betterment has to begin at home. Hence, we need to ensure that whatever is imparted to the younger generation, wilt ¡nstit ¡n them, the quality of fairness’ that can be passed on to the future generation.

The Blue Whale Challenge And Manipulation of The Teenage Brain

The Blue Whale Challenge And Manipulation of The Teenage Brain

The Blue Whale Challenge And Manipulation of The Teenage Brain

The Blue Whale Challenge is an app in which the user Is assigned 50 tasks. The 50th task is to commit suicide. It may sound crazy, but teenagers are up for this challenge because everything happens under the false label of a ‘game.’

As soon as the word ‘game’ enters the picture, teenagers perceive the challenge as fun and adventurous, instead of seeing it as the danger it really is1 The tasks on the app are very strategically targeted towards the teenage population, as the developers of the app (known as whales) are well aware of the fact that teenage minds are easy to manipulate.

Inclination Of Teenagers Towards The Game

Teenagers have the physical energy of a child and the brains of a soon- to-be-adult and therefore, they are willing to experience things which challenge their thrill-seeking abilities and the will to deal with danger.

A majority of teenagers are up for the tasks mentioned on the app, because the locus of control is purely internal and they feel they can pull themselves out of anything, any moment and this confidence itself takes them deeper into games like the Blue Whale Challenge. Such teenagers can be classified as the adventurous, thrill-seeking ones and also the depressed ones.

The adventurous ones do It for the thrill, while the depressed ones use these tasks as an escape from the bitter reality of their life.

There is a very thin line between adventure and danger, as the game has been systematically planned to gradually fade that line and put the teen playing it, into danger.

While the motive of the creator of the app remains unknown, it is pretty clear that the Blue Whale Challenge Is an attempt to sway teenagers of the world, into doing undesirable things.

Lending A Helping Hand

  • In order to curb the menace caused by the app, mental health practitioners need to always be on the lookout for signs of depression and signs that one might be attempting the Blue Whale Challenge.
  • It ¡s important for psychologists to create awareness amongst parents about this game, so that they can detect signs in the habits and the whereabouts of their child.
  • Seminars and workshops stating the importance of life and how to tackle depression could also help to a great extent.
  • Additionally, online portals are of great help in giving patients access to specialists from any place in the world, to share their dilemmas and thereby seek help for their concerns and mental worries.

Comprehending The Origin of Disease

Comprehending The Origin of Disease

Comprehending The Origin of Disease

When we say disease, we have to classify them into two basic categories. One set of diseases are infectious – you contract them from outside. Maybe you were negligent and ate or drank something which was not good and caught an infection, Or you went close to somebody who had the flu and got it. For these diseases, there are medicines.

In addition, the diseases that we usually speak about, are something that the body creates. Though, the fundamental longing of the physical body is to survive, preserve itself and keep itself well. But despite this fact, if the body is creating diseases within itself, what could be wrong? Have you ever thought of the fact that your mind may be to blame? But surely you’ve heard of psychosomatic diseases.

Energy Malfunctions And Ailments

If the mind is functioning in a certain way, it hampers the functioning of energy. Whatever is happening and whatever has happened in this body in terms of creating, maintaining and nurturing, fundamentally depends on how your energy functions in this body. It for some reason your energy malfunctions, then a disease can manifest itself.

lf the energy malfunctions, what kind of disease it may turn into, depends upon what Is inherently weak in a particular person. It may be a hereditary aspect like some organ or part of the body could be inherently weak because of a person’s parents. So, it the same imbalance happens in two people, one person may get asthma and the other may get diabetes, depending upon what each has inherited.

The Software Within You

What type of imbalance you go through also has a very deep karmic implication. What we call as karma Is a huge amount of impressions that we have taken into us, which have become their own kind of software.’ This software has developed certain tendencies – it tends to move in a particular way.

Traditionally in India, we call these tendencies vasanas which literally means smell. So what kind of smell emanates from you, depends on what kind of ‘garbage’ you have gathered. Depending upon what type of vasanas you have, accordingly you tend to move in certain ways and also certain aspects in the world tend to move towards you in a particular way. Is this absolute? No.

Your Smell And External Influences

If you become conscious, even if your smell in one way, you can choose to go another way. But if you are not conscious, you naturally gravitate according to your tendencies. In the body, a certain manifestation of these tendencies can become disease. Because of certain tendencies, the energy does not function properly ¡n certain areas of the body and disease can appear. Another way disease can occur is when you are under the influence of something.

Your karmic structure is fine, your tendencies are good, they are taking you in the right direction, you have kept your body well and are taking care of it, but still, you may get a bad disease, because you are under the influence of something else. It is because this aspect also plays an important role – this is why in ancient India, they decided that every town and village must have a temple.

Temples As Energy Centres

But what you need to understand is, temples are not places of worship and prayer. Nobody ever led people in prayer in a temple, you are just left alone. You are supposed to just turn up and sit there, that’s all. These were energy centres which were established to handle that dimension of your tendencies or that dimension of Impact on your life, which comes from outside. This is like an infection, but with no virus or bacteria.

Certain other tendencies of people, it could be a person, it could be situations, certain spaces or certain evil Intentions of people, affect the process of your life. So every day you go to a temple, where you do a little bit of ‘cleansing’ for yourself. If you become conscious, then you create your own inner ways to cleanse. But if you do not have your own inner ways, a temple was a public ‘wash place’ for you. Each day you go there and ‘take oft’ that element, It does not solve all your problems, but it ‘takes off’ that element which comes into your life from external influences.


Mentioned above are the different ways in which you can impair your energy system. Either by your own karmic system, by your own karmic accumulation or because of improper eating and other kinds of habits, or the way in which your mind functions – your stress or your anxiety. So these are the kind of things or influences from outside, which can impair the flow of energy in your system and in turn manifest in the form of an ailment.

Understanding Psychological Insecurities

Understanding Psychological Insecurities

Understanding Psychological Insecurities

We humans, lace our existence with various individual and environmental influences. Some of these influencing factors are intentional, while many may be present in our social surrounding by default.

An individual’s capacity to think and to think beyond, is what leads himiher towards survival and the reinforcement of such thought processes, either makes life easier or difficult, depending on what kind of cognitive cue an individual is perceiving and interpreting, based on his/her understanding.

An individuals’ interaction with the environment is presented with several challenges on a regular basis and survival is reinforced by meeting up to these challenges. Also, people go through several physical and psychological struggles to identify and move ahead with their behavioural orientations.

Insecurities in an individual are a product of anticipation and conclusions within one’s mind, along with the collaboration of society, family and other environmental factors. And it’s amazing to know that psychological insecurities can emerge in any form and in any situation.

What Insecure People Experience

Psychological insecurities as presented below are very commonly seen in all people around us.

  • Restricted or closed mindedness
  • Pretending to know all and trying to find solutions
  • Faking thoughts, emotions, and interactions
  • Being judgmental
  • Negative conversations and communication
  • Nil growth mindset
  • Poor decision making skills
  • Avoidant behaviour
  • Not moving out of the comfort zone
  • Felling guilty, stupid and bad for almost everything

Downside Of Psychological Insecurities

  • Psychological insecurities not only results in lowered confidence levels but also gives rise to anxieties of various kinds and interaction at the societal level becomes meaningless.
  • Extreme levels of perfectionism can also lead to confusion and dissatisfaction, as most of the time living up to one’s own expectations is dependent on the bar raised by the individuals themselves.
  • Self-esteem either very low or high also gives rise to unrealistic goals and demands. Both men and women go through self-doubt in areas of sexuality, body image, age, career. relationship, creative versus intellectual life, etc.

Causes Of Insecurities

The reasons for psychological insecurities as discussed earlier, can be several, but it’s been observed that maladaptive parenting procedures give rise to dysfunctional interactions in adult life. Some individuals also have personality types more prone to struggles.

The Way Out

Reaching out with proper strategies such as timely engagement of the individual through therapeutic intervention and reinforcing feedback mechanism is a must, to tackle such issues. Proper goals and devoting time to oneself to recuperate and heal also leads to the better functioning of an individual.

Awareness About Medical Childhood Emergencies

Awareness About Medical Childhood Emergencies

Awareness About Medical Childhood Emergencies

The health and safety of their children are of optimal importance to parents, but if one thinks of it precisely, health management not that easy a task, especially in the case of infants. Also, children’s bodies have not completely evolved and are in a constant state of growing.

Similarly, as children’s immune system is not so developed, they are susceptible to numerous health issues. Moreover, recognizing the symptoms and hilling the nail on the head, is quite hard, as kids exhibit different symptoms and signs from that of adults. Additionally, a child’s way of communicating about what’s wrong might not instantly provide parents with a clear picture.

Our primary job ¡s to recognize the symptoms and timely consult a doctor for professional help, do not forget to stock first-aid kits at home, your car and at your workplace

Be Prepared With The Facts And Tools

As parents, take measures to prevent, recognize and address medical emergencies in children. Your first step should be getting your facts right – take first-aid and CPR classes and keep your child’s vaccination sheets, as well as your family’s medical information handy and organized. Although, your primary job is to recognize the symptoms and timely consult a doctor for professional help, do not forget to stock first-aid kits at home, your car and at your workplace.

Please note that this advice cannot serve as a substitute for a medical opinion under any circumstance. So always consult your healthcare provider for more information.

Warning Signs

Although there are myriads of disorders prevalent with varied symptoms, the following are some common warning signs for you to interpret and recognize as a medical emergency.

Sudden Changes In Behaviour
If the child embodies significant changes in comparison to normal behaviour, including unhealthy sleep patterns, confusion, irritability, inattentiveness and decreased responsiveness, there may be some serious medical issues plaguing your child and you need to visit a doctor.

Abnormal Breathing
Difficulty in breathing and shortness of breath are surely alarming signs of a medical emergency Abnormal breathing can be subjected to disorders like asthma, choking, pneumonia or allergic reactions.

Aftermath of Injuries
Injuries and children are synonymous. Although the mild ones are normal and are a part of growing up, some injuries can lead to severe complications. If a child experiences uncontrolled bleeding, persistent pain, severe headache or vomiting (especially after a head injury), you need to rush to the hospital.

Other Complications
Issues like bluish/grey skin, inability to stand properly, seizures, stiffness in the neck are generally warning signs of complications and should not be taken lightly.

Causes of Excessive Sleeping

Causes of Excessive Sleeping

Causes of Excessive Sleeping

Sleeping in, after a long day at work or even the weekends may seem like a natural, gratifying thing to do, but sleeping in on all the days can be really stressful, tiring and the result of an undeilying problem. Not to burst your bubble, sleeping for a long time can make you feel better, but il you’re doing it all the time, it can do quite the opposite.

A goodnight’s sleep of seven-nine hours is normal and necessary for the mind and body to heal itself. However, it you’re waking up exhausted and just want to go back to bed for no apparent reason, it’s time to figure out why.

Why We Sleep Excessively

Excessive sleeping can be caused by a depression episode where getting out of bed seems like the cruellest thing you can do to yourself. The world appears too big to take on and yet It’s all In your head. But remember, just because it is in your head, doesn’t mean it can be ignored. Head to your therapist and get yourself looked at, or take it out on a pen and paper, which is a proven method to feel a lot better.

Your afternoon naps are a tempting luxury which needs to be kept in check, If you want to go to bed early. Sleeping late at night can threaten your morning routine because of incomplete sleep cycles. You could wake up in between a sleep cycle and wander the entire day looking to complete it.

Sleep Apnea
It’s a common cause of agitated snoring and one of the main causes of waking up tired, no matter how long you sleep. The reason being that you constantly wake up over the course of the night but since it is for a short span, you barely remember it. This results in less oxygen in your body, making you feel like you haven’t slept at all!

Unable to sleep until much later in the night or sometimes not getting any sleep at all are indications that you suffer from insomnia. Insomnia is a result of other mental problems like anxiety and or depression. These can be treated by counselling and therapy and must be done sooner than later.

Sleeping late at night can threaten your morning routine because of incomplete sleep cycles

Health Tip

A healthy lifestyle is always outlined by discipline. Listening to your alarm’s wake-up calls is one way to beat this. The primary action would, of course, be getting yourself checked by a doctor for the disorders. It is important for you to get the sleep you deserve and enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep.